Ich denke darüber nach, ein kleines textbasiertes Abenteuerspiel zu schreiben, bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher, wie ich die Welt technisch gestalten soll.
Mein erster Gedanke ist, dies in XML zu tun, das ungefähr wie folgt aufgebaut ist. Entschuldigung für den riesigen Haufen von XML, aber ich fand es wichtig zu erklären, was ich tue.
<!-- start in kitchen with empty inventory -->
<description>A small kitchen that looks like it hasn't been used in a while. It has a table in the middle, and there are some cupboards. There is a door to the north, which leads to the garden.</description>
<!-- IDs of the objects the room contains -->
<description>The garden is wild and full of prickly bushes. To the north there is a path, which leads into the trees. To the south there is a house.</description>
<description>The woods are quite dark, with little light bleeding in from the garden. It is eerily quiet.</description>
a door isn't necessarily a door.
each door has a type, i.e. "There is a <type> leading to..."
from and to are references the rooms that this door joins.
direction specifies the direction (N,S,E,W,Up,Down) from <from> to <to>
<!-- variables set by actions -->
<variable name="cupboard_open">0</variable>
<!-- definitions for objects -->
<!-- any actions not defined will show the default failure message -->
<message>The trees are tall and thick. There aren't any low branches, so it'd be difficult to climb them.</message>
<!-- requirements make the command only work when they are met -->
<!-- equivilent of "if(cupboard_open == 1)" -->
<require operation="equal" value="1">cupboard_open</require>
<!-- fail message is the message displayed when the requirements aren't met -->
<failMessage>The cupboard is closed.</failMessage>
<message>The cupboard contains some batteires.</message>
<require operation="equal" value="0">cupboard_open</require>
<failMessage>The cupboard is already open.</failMessage>
<message>You open the cupboard. It contains some batteries.</message>
<!-- assigns is a list of operations performed on variables when the action succeeds -->
<assign operation="set" value="1">cupboard_open</assign>
<require operation="equal" value="1">cupboard_open</require>
<failMessage>The cupboard is already closed.</failMessage>
<message>You closed the cupboard./message>
<assign operation="set" value="0">cupboard_open</assign>
<!-- by setting inventory to non-zero, we can put it in our bag -->
<require operation="equal" value="1">cupboard_open</require>
<!-- failMessage isn't required here, it'll just show the usual "You can't see any <blank>." message -->
<message>You picked up the batteries.</message>
Offensichtlich müsste mehr dran sein. Die Interaktion mit Menschen und Feinden sowie Tod und Vervollständigung sind notwendige Ergänzungen. Da es ziemlich schwierig ist, mit XML zu arbeiten, würde ich wahrscheinlich eine Art Welteditor erstellen.
Ich würde gerne wissen, ob diese Methode Nachteile hat und ob es eine "bessere" oder üblichere Methode gibt.