Wie starte ich den SharePoint Timer-Dienst über die Befehlszeile neu?



Netzstopp "Windows SharePoint Services Timer"

Nettostart "Windows SharePoint Services Timer"


Mir ist klar, dass das OP eine Befehlszeilenlösung anfordert, aber mit PowerShell (als Administrator ausführen) ist das Neustarten des Timer-Dienstes so einfach wie das Ausführen von:

restart-service sptimerv4

woo Powershell!
Nacht - Monica

Alternativ eins nach dem anderen: Stop-Service SPTimerV4dann Start-Service SPTimerV4


SharePoint 2013: Netzstopp SPTimerV4 / Netzstart SPTimerV4

SharePoint 2007: Netzstopp SPTimerV3 / Netzstart SPTimerV3

SharePoint 2003: Net Stop SPTimer / Net Start SPTimer


Und damit SP2010 / 2013 dies für alle Maschinen tut:

$farm = Get-SPFarm
$farm.TimerService.Instances | foreach { $_.Stop(); $_.Start(); }

Was ist mit sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/110928/… ? Kommentare anzeigen: Nach meinen Erkenntnissen implementiert $ farm.TimerService.Instances weder start () noch stop (), daher sollte dies überhaupt nicht funktionieren.

REM - Save this in a .BAT file and set up a scheduled task that runs it periodically.
REM - This will recycle the SharePoint Timer Service, and also log it in the Event Viewer. 

EVENTCREATE /T INFORMATION /L APPLICATION /ID 777 /D "Starting scheduled task: SP timer restart."

net stop SPTimerV4
net start SPTimerV4

if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
  EVENTCREATE /T INFORMATION /L APPLICATION /ID 777 /D "Scheduled task: Restart succeeded for the SharePoint Timer Service (SPTimerV4 AKA 'SharePoint 2010 Timer').  ERRORLEVEL=%ERRORLEVEL%.  The restart is done by Scheduled Task, which runs the batch file: C:\_________________ every _ hours."
exit /b
) else (
  EVENTCREATE /T ERROR /L APPLICATION /ID 777 /D "Scheduled task: Restart failed for the SharePoint Timer Service (SPTimerV4 AKA 'SharePoint 2010 Timer').  ERRORLEVEL=%ERRORLEVEL%.  Please stop and restart the service manually and investigate the issue preventing the restart. The restart is done by Scheduled Task, which runs the batch file: C:\___________________ every _ hours."
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