Die Zustandswerte meines Q-Learning-Algorithmus weichen immer wieder ins Unendliche ab, was bedeutet, dass auch meine Gewichte voneinander abweichen. Ich verwende ein neuronales Netzwerk für meine Wertzuordnung.
Ich habe es versucht:
- Beschneiden des "Belohnungs + Rabatt * Maximalwert der Aktion" (max / min auf 50 / -50 eingestellt)
- Einstellen einer niedrigen Lernrate (0,00001 und ich verwenden die klassische Backpropagation zum Aktualisieren der Gewichte)
- Verringern der Werte der Belohnungen
- Erhöhung der Explorationsrate
- Normalisieren der Eingänge auf 1 ~ 100 (zuvor 0 ~ 1)
- Ändern Sie den Abzinsungssatz
- Verringern Sie die Schichten des neuronalen Netzwerks (nur zur Validierung).
Ich habe gehört, dass Q Learning bekanntermaßen bei nichtlinearen Eingaben divergiert, aber gibt es noch etwas, mit dem ich versuchen kann, die Divergenz der Gewichte zu stoppen?
Update Nr. 1 am 14. August 2017:
Ich habe mich entschlossen, einige spezifische Details zu dem, was ich gerade mache, aufgrund einer Anfrage an hinzuzufügen.
Ich versuche gerade, einen Agenten dazu zu bringen, zu lernen, wie man in einer Top-Down-Ansicht eines Schießspiels kämpft. Der Gegner ist ein einfacher Bot, der sich stochastisch bewegt.
Jeder Charakter hat in jeder Runde 9 Aktionen zur Auswahl:
- nach oben bewegen
- sich abwärts bewegen
- geh nach links
- nach rechts bewegen
- schieße eine Kugel nach oben
- schieße eine Kugel nach unten
- schieße eine Kugel nach links
- schieße eine Kugel nach rechts
- nichts tun
Die Belohnungen sind:
- Wenn der Agent den Bot mit einer Kugel trifft, +100 (ich habe viele verschiedene Werte ausprobiert)
- Wenn der Agent von einer vom Bot abgefeuerten Kugel getroffen wird, -50 (ich habe wieder viele verschiedene Werte ausprobiert)
Wenn der Agent versucht, eine Kugel abzufeuern, während Kugeln nicht abgefeuert werden können (z. B. wenn der Agent gerade eine Kugel abgefeuert hat usw.), -25 (Nicht erforderlich, aber ich wollte, dass der Agent effizienter ist.)
Wenn der Bot versucht, die Arena zu verlassen, -20 (Nicht notwendig, aber ich wollte, dass der Agent effizienter ist)
Die Eingaben für das neuronale Netzwerk sind:
Abstand zwischen dem Agenten und dem Bot auf der X-Achse normalisiert auf 0 ~ 100
Abstand zwischen dem Agenten und dem Bot auf der Y-Achse normalisiert auf 0 ~ 100
X- und y-Positionen des Agenten
X- und y-Positionen des Bots
Bots Kugelposition. Wenn der Bot keine Kugel abgefeuert hat, werden die Parameter auf die x- und y-Positionen des Bots gesetzt.
Ich habe auch mit den Eingaben herumgespielt; Ich habe versucht, neue Funktionen wie den x-Wert der Position des Agenten (nicht die Entfernung, sondern die tatsächliche Position) und die Position der Kugel des Bots hinzuzufügen. Keiner von ihnen hat funktioniert.
Hier ist der Code:
from pygame import *
from pygame.locals import *
import sys
from time import sleep
import numpy as np
import random
import tensorflow as tf
from pylab import savefig
from tqdm import tqdm
#Screen Setup
disp_x, disp_y = 1000, 800
arena_x, arena_y = 1000, 800
border = 4; border_2 = 1
#Color Setup
white = (255, 255, 255); aqua= (0, 200, 200)
red = (255, 0, 0); green = (0, 255, 0)
blue = (0, 0, 255); black = (0, 0, 0)
green_yellow = (173, 255, 47); energy_blue = (125, 249, 255)
#Initialize character positions
init_character_a_state = [disp_x/2 - arena_x/2 + 50, disp_y/2 - arena_y/2 + 50]
init_character_b_state = [disp_x/2 + arena_x/2 - 50, disp_y/2 + arena_y/2 - 50]
#Setup character dimentions
character_size = 50
character_move_speed = 25
#Initialize character stats
character_init_health = 100
#initialize bullet stats
beam_damage = 10
beam_width = 10
beam_ob = -100
#The Neural Network
input_layer = tf.placeholder(shape=[1,7],dtype=tf.float32)
weight_1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([7,9],0,0.1))
#weight_2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([6,9],0,0.1))
#The calculations, loss function and the update model
Q = tf.matmul(input_layer, weight_1)
predict = tf.argmax(Q, 1)
next_Q = tf.placeholder(shape=[1,9],dtype=tf.float32)
loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(next_Q - Q))
trainer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.001)
updateModel = trainer.minimize(loss)
initialize = tf.global_variables_initializer()
jList = []
rList = []
myfont = font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 15)
myfont2 = font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 150)
myfont3 = font.SysFont('Gothic', 30)
disp = display.set_mode((disp_x, disp_y), 0, 32)
agent_x = agent_y = int()
bot_x = bot_y = int()
agent_hp = bot_hp = int()
bot_beam_dir = int()
agent_beam_fire = bot_beam_fire = bool()
agent_beam_x = bot_beam_x = agent_beam_y = bot_beam_y = int()
agent_beam_size_x = agent_beam_size_y = bot_beam_size_x = bot_beam_size_y = int()
bot_current_action = agent_current_action = int()
def param_init():
"""Initializes parameters"""
global agent_x, agent_y, bot_x, bot_y, agent_hp, bot_hp, agent_beam_fire, bot_beam_fire, agent_beam_x, bot_beam_x, agent_beam_y, bot_beam_y
agent_x = list(init_character_a_state)[0]; agent_y = list(init_character_a_state)[1]
bot_x = list(init_character_b_state)[0]; bot_y = list(init_character_b_state)[1]
agent_hp = bot_hp = character_init_health
agent_beam_fire = bot_beam_fire = False
agent_beam_x = bot_beam_x = agent_beam_y = bot_beam_y = beam_ob
agent_beam_size_x = agent_beam_size_y = bot_beam_size_x = bot_beam_size_y = 0
def screen_blit():
global disp, disp_x, disp_y, arena_x, arena_y, border, border_2, character_size, agent_x, \
agent_y, bot_x, bot_y, character_init_health, agent_hp, bot_hp, red, blue, aqua, green, black, green_yellow, energy_blue, \
agent_beam_fire, bot_beam_fire, agent_beam_x, agent_beam_y, bot_beam_x, bot_beam_y, agent_beam_size_x, agent_beam_size_y, bot_beam_size_x, bot_beam_size_y, beam_width
draw.rect(disp, black, (disp_x / 2 - arena_x / 2 - border, disp_y /
2 - arena_y / 2 - border, arena_x + border * 2, arena_y + border * 2))
draw.rect(disp, green, (disp_x / 2 - arena_x / 2,
disp_y / 2 - arena_y / 2, arena_x, arena_y))
if bot_beam_fire == True:
draw.rect(disp, green_yellow, (agent_beam_x, agent_beam_y, agent_beam_size_x, agent_beam_size_y))
bot_beam_fire = False
if agent_beam_fire == True:
draw.rect(disp, energy_blue, (bot_beam_x, bot_beam_y, bot_beam_size_x, bot_beam_size_y))
agent_beam_fire = False
draw.rect(disp, red, (agent_x, agent_y, character_size, character_size))
draw.rect(disp, blue, (bot_x, bot_y, character_size, character_size))
draw.rect(disp, red, (disp_x / 2 - 200, disp_y / 2 + arena_y / 2 +
border + 1, float(agent_hp) / float(character_init_health) * 100, 14))
draw.rect(disp, blue, (disp_x / 2 + 200, disp_y / 2 + arena_y / 2 +
border + 1, float(bot_hp) / float(character_init_health) * 100, 14))
def bot_take_action():
return random.randint(1, 9)
def beam_hit_detector(player):
global agent_x, agent_y, bot_x, bot_y, agent_beam_fire, bot_beam_fire, agent_beam_x, \
bot_beam_x, agent_beam_y, bot_beam_y, agent_beam_size_x, agent_beam_size_y, \
bot_beam_size_x, bot_beam_size_y, bot_current_action, agent_current_action, beam_width, character_size
if player == "bot":
if bot_current_action == 1:
if disp_y/2 - arena_y/2 <= agent_y <= bot_y and (agent_x < bot_beam_x + beam_width < agent_x + character_size or agent_x < bot_beam_x < agent_x + character_size):
return True
return False
elif bot_current_action == 2:
if bot_x <= agent_x <= disp_x/2 + arena_x/2 and (agent_y < bot_beam_y + beam_width < agent_y + character_size or agent_y < bot_beam_y < agent_y + character_size):
return True
return False
elif bot_current_action == 3:
if bot_y <= agent_y <= disp_y/2 + arena_y/2 and (agent_x < bot_beam_x + beam_width < agent_x + character_size or agent_x < bot_beam_x < agent_x + character_size):
return True
return False
elif bot_current_action == 4:
if disp_x/2 - arena_x/2 <= agent_x <= bot_x and (agent_y < bot_beam_y + beam_width < agent_y + character_size or agent_y < bot_beam_y < agent_y + character_size):
return True
return False
if agent_current_action == 1:
if disp_y/2 - arena_y/2 <= bot_y <= agent_y and (bot_x < agent_beam_x + beam_width < bot_x + character_size or bot_x < agent_beam_x < bot_x + character_size):
return True
return False
elif agent_current_action == 2:
if agent_x <= bot_x <= disp_x/2 + arena_x/2 and (bot_y < agent_beam_y + beam_width < bot_y + character_size or bot_y < agent_beam_y < bot_y + character_size):
return True
return False
elif agent_current_action == 3:
if agent_y <= bot_y <= disp_y/2 + arena_y/2 and (bot_x < agent_beam_x + beam_width < bot_x + character_size or bot_x < agent_beam_x < bot_x + character_size):
return True
return False
elif bot_current_action == 4:
if disp_x/2 - arena_x/2 <= bot_x <= agent_x and (bot_y < agent_beam_y + beam_width < bot_y + character_size or bot_y < agent_beam_y < bot_y + character_size):
return True
return False
def mapping(maximum, number):
return number#int(number * maximum)
def action(agent_action, bot_action):
global agent_x, agent_y, bot_x, bot_y, agent_hp, bot_hp, agent_beam_fire, \
bot_beam_fire, agent_beam_x, bot_beam_x, agent_beam_y, bot_beam_y, agent_beam_size_x, \
agent_beam_size_y, bot_beam_size_x, bot_beam_size_y, beam_width, agent_current_action, bot_current_action, character_size
agent_current_action = agent_action; bot_current_action = bot_action
reward = 0; cont = True; successful = False; winner = ""
if 1 <= bot_action <= 4:
bot_beam_fire = True
if bot_action == 1:
bot_beam_x = bot_x + character_size/2 - beam_width/2; bot_beam_y = disp_y/2 - arena_y/2
bot_beam_size_x = beam_width; bot_beam_size_y = bot_y - disp_y/2 + arena_y/2
elif bot_action == 2:
bot_beam_x = bot_x + character_size; bot_beam_y = bot_y + character_size/2 - beam_width/2
bot_beam_size_x = disp_x/2 + arena_x/2 - bot_x - character_size; bot_beam_size_y = beam_width
elif bot_action == 3:
bot_beam_x = bot_x + character_size/2 - beam_width/2; bot_beam_y = bot_y + character_size
bot_beam_size_x = beam_width; bot_beam_size_y = disp_y/2 + arena_y/2 - bot_y - character_size
elif bot_action == 4:
bot_beam_x = disp_x/2 - arena_x/2; bot_beam_y = bot_y + character_size/2 - beam_width/2
bot_beam_size_x = bot_x - disp_x/2 + arena_x/2; bot_beam_size_y = beam_width
elif 5 <= bot_action <= 8:
if bot_action == 5:
bot_y -= character_move_speed
if bot_y <= disp_y/2 - arena_y/2:
bot_y = disp_y/2 - arena_y/2
elif agent_y <= bot_y <= agent_y + character_size:
bot_y = agent_y + character_size
elif bot_action == 6:
bot_x += character_move_speed
if bot_x >= disp_x/2 + arena_x/2 - character_size:
bot_x = disp_x/2 + arena_x/2 - character_size
elif agent_x <= bot_x + character_size <= agent_x + character_size:
bot_x = agent_x - character_size
elif bot_action == 7:
bot_y += character_move_speed
if bot_y + character_size >= disp_y/2 + arena_y/2:
bot_y = disp_y/2 + arena_y/2 - character_size
elif agent_y <= bot_y + character_size <= agent_y + character_size:
bot_y = agent_y - character_size
elif bot_action == 8:
bot_x -= character_move_speed
if bot_x <= disp_x/2 - arena_x/2:
bot_x = disp_x/2 - arena_x/2
elif agent_x <= bot_x <= agent_x + character_size:
bot_x = agent_x + character_size
if bot_beam_fire == True:
if beam_hit_detector("bot"):
#print "Agent Got Hit!"
agent_hp -= beam_damage
reward += -50
bot_beam_size_x = bot_beam_size_y = 0
bot_beam_x = bot_beam_y = beam_ob
if agent_hp <= 0:
cont = False
winner = "Bot"
if 1 <= agent_action <= 4:
agent_beam_fire = True
if agent_action == 1:
if agent_y > disp_y/2 - arena_y/2:
agent_beam_x = agent_x - beam_width/2; agent_beam_y = disp_y/2 - arena_y/2
agent_beam_size_x = beam_width; agent_beam_size_y = agent_y - disp_y/2 + arena_y/2
reward += -25
elif agent_action == 2:
if agent_x + character_size < disp_x/2 + arena_x/2:
agent_beam_x = agent_x + character_size; agent_beam_y = agent_y + character_size/2 - beam_width/2
agent_beam_size_x = disp_x/2 + arena_x/2 - agent_x - character_size; agent_beam_size_y = beam_width
reward += -25
elif agent_action == 3:
if agent_y + character_size < disp_y/2 + arena_y/2:
agent_beam_x = agent_x + character_size/2 - beam_width/2; agent_beam_y = agent_y + character_size
agent_beam_size_x = beam_width; agent_beam_size_y = disp_y/2 + arena_y/2 - agent_y - character_size
reward += -25
elif agent_action == 4:
if agent_x > disp_x/2 - arena_x/2:
agent_beam_x = disp_x/2 - arena_x/2; agent_beam_y = agent_y + character_size/2 - beam_width/2
agent_beam_size_x = agent_x - disp_x/2 + arena_x/2; agent_beam_size_y = beam_width
reward += -25
elif 5 <= agent_action <= 8:
if agent_action == 5:
agent_y -= character_move_speed
if agent_y <= disp_y/2 - arena_y/2:
agent_y = disp_y/2 - arena_y/2
reward += -5
elif bot_y <= agent_y <= bot_y + character_size and bot_x <= agent_x <= bot_x + character_size:
agent_y = bot_y + character_size
reward += -2
elif agent_action == 6:
agent_x += character_move_speed
if agent_x + character_size >= disp_x/2 + arena_x/2:
agent_x = disp_x/2 + arena_x/2 - character_size
reward += -5
elif bot_x <= agent_x + character_size <= bot_x + character_size and bot_y <= agent_y <= bot_y + character_size:
agent_x = bot_x - character_size
reward += -2
elif agent_action == 7:
agent_y += character_move_speed
if agent_y + character_size >= disp_y/2 + arena_y/2:
agent_y = disp_y/2 + arena_y/2 - character_size
reward += -5
elif bot_y <= agent_y + character_size <= bot_y + character_size and bot_x <= agent_x <= bot_x + character_size:
agent_y = bot_y - character_size
reward += -2
elif agent_action == 8:
agent_x -= character_move_speed
if agent_x <= disp_x/2 - arena_x/2:
agent_x = disp_x/2 - arena_x/2
reward += -5
elif bot_x <= agent_x <= bot_x + character_size and bot_y <= agent_y <= bot_y + character_size:
agent_x = bot_x + character_size
reward += -2
if agent_beam_fire == True:
if beam_hit_detector("agent"):
#print "Bot Got Hit!"
bot_hp -= beam_damage
reward += 50
agent_beam_size_x = agent_beam_size_y = 0
agent_beam_x = agent_beam_y = beam_ob
if bot_hp <= 0:
successful = True
cont = False
winner = "Agent"
return reward, cont, successful, winner
def bot_beam_dir_detector():
global bot_current_action
if bot_current_action == 1:
bot_beam_dir = 2
elif bot_current_action == 2:
bot_beam_dir = 4
elif bot_current_action == 3:
bot_beam_dir = 3
elif bot_current_action == 4:
bot_beam_dir = 1
bot_beam_dir = 0
return bot_beam_dir
y = 0.75
e = 0.3
num_episodes = 10000
batch_size = 10
complexity = 100
with tf.Session() as sess:
success = 0
for i in tqdm(range(1, num_episodes)):
#print "Episode #", i
rAll = 0; d = False; c = True; j = 0
samples = []
while c == True:
j += 1
current_state = np.array([[mapping(complexity, float(agent_x) / float(arena_x)),
mapping(complexity, float(agent_y) / float(arena_y)),
mapping(complexity, float(bot_x) / float(arena_x)),
mapping(complexity, float(bot_y) / float(arena_y)),
#mapping(complexity, float(agent_hp) / float(character_init_health)),
#mapping(complexity, float(bot_hp) / float(character_init_health)),
mapping(complexity, float(agent_x - bot_x) / float(arena_x)),
mapping(complexity, float(agent_y - bot_y) / float(arena_y)),
b = bot_take_action()
if np.random.rand(1) < e or i <= 5:
a = random.randint(0, 8)
a, _ = sess.run([predict, Q],feed_dict={input_layer : current_state})
r, c, d, winner = action(a + 1, b)
bot_beam_dir = bot_beam_dir_detector()
next_state = np.array([[mapping(complexity, float(agent_x) / float(arena_x)),
mapping(complexity, float(agent_y) / float(arena_y)),
mapping(complexity, float(bot_x) / float(arena_x)),
mapping(complexity, float(bot_y) / float(arena_y)),
#mapping(complexity, float(agent_hp) / float(character_init_health)),
#mapping(complexity, float(bot_hp) / float(character_init_health)),
mapping(complexity, float(agent_x - bot_x) / float(arena_x)),
mapping(complexity, float(agent_y - bot_y) / float(arena_y)),
samples.append([current_state, a, r, next_state])
if len(samples) > 10:
for count in xrange(batch_size):
[batch_current_state, action_taken, reward, batch_next_state] = samples[random.randint(0, len(samples) - 1)]
batch_allQ = sess.run(Q, feed_dict={input_layer : batch_current_state})
batch_Q1 = sess.run(Q, feed_dict = {input_layer : batch_next_state})
batch_maxQ1 = np.max(batch_Q1)
batch_targetQ = batch_allQ
batch_targetQ[0][a] = reward + y * batch_maxQ1
sess.run([updateModel], feed_dict={input_layer : batch_current_state, next_Q : batch_targetQ})
rAll += r
if d == True:
e = 1. / ((i / 50) + 10)
success += 1
#print agent_hp, bot_hp
print winner
Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass Sie, wenn Sie Pygame, Tensorflow und Matplotlib in einer Python-Umgebung installiert haben, die Animationen des Bots und des Agenten "kämpfen" sehen sollten.
Ich habe das Update abgeschweift, aber es wäre großartig, wenn jemand neben dem ursprünglichen allgemeinen Problem auch mein spezifisches Problem ansprechen könnte.
Vielen Dank!
Update Nr. 2 am 18. August 2017:
Basierend auf den Ratschlägen von @NeilSlater habe ich die Wiedergabe von Erfahrungen in mein Modell implementiert. Der Algorithmus hat sich verbessert, aber ich werde nach besseren Verbesserungsoptionen suchen, die Konvergenz bieten.
Update Nr. 3 am 22. August 2017:
Ich habe festgestellt, dass, wenn der Agent den Bot in einer Runde mit einer Kugel trifft und die Aktion, die der Bot in dieser Runde ausgeführt hat, nicht "eine Kugel abfeuert", die falschen Aktionen gutgeschrieben werden. Daher habe ich die Kugeln in Strahlen verwandelt, damit der Bot / Agent in der Runde, in der der Strahl abgefeuert wird, Schaden nimmt.