Sind diese Bezeichner gleichwertig?


In der Sprache Nim sind die Regeln zur Unterscheidung von Bezeichnern etwas lockerer als in den meisten anderen Sprachen. Zwei Bezeichner sind äquivalent oder adressieren dieselbe Variable, wenn sie diesen Regeln folgen :

  • Das erste Zeichen von beiden ist dasselbe (Groß- / Kleinschreibung beachten)
  • beide Zeichenfolgen sind gleich (Groß- und Kleinschreibung beachten), nachdem alle Instanzen der Zeichen -und entfernt wurden_


Schreiben Sie ein Programm / eine Funktion , die zwei Zeichenfolgen verwendet , die Nim-Bezeichner darstellen, und geben Sie einen Wahrheits- oder Falschwert aus, je nachdem, ob sie den obigen Regeln entsprechen oder nicht .


  • Standard I / O - Regeln gelten .
  • Standardlücken sind verboten .
  • Die Zeichenfolgen enthalten nur ASCII-Ausdrucke . Sie müssen nicht überprüfen, ob es sich um eine gültige Kennung handelt.
  • Die Zeichenfolgen können als zwei separate Eingaben, Liste der Zeichenfolgen usw. verwendet werden (Sie kennen den Drill).
  • Leere Zeichenfolgen müssen nicht behandelt werden.
  • Die Ausgabe muss konsistent sein für True- als auch für Falsey-Werte konsistent sein.
  • Bei dieser Herausforderung geht es nicht darum, den kürzesten Ansatz in allen Sprachen zu finden, sondern darum, den kürzesten Ansatz in jeder Sprache zu finden .
  • Ihr Code wird in Bytes bewertet , normalerweise in der Codierung UTF-8, sofern nicht anders angegeben.
  • Integrierte Funktionen, die diese Aufgabe ausführen, sind zulässig, es wird jedoch empfohlen, eine Lösung zu verwenden, die nicht auf einer integrierten basiert.
  • Erklärungen, auch für "praktische" Sprachen, sind erwünscht .


Input                                    Output

count, Count                             falsey
lookMaNoSeparator, answer                falsey
_test, test                              falsey
test, tset                               falsey
aVariableName, a_variable_name           truthy
numbers_are_cool123, numbersAreCool123   truthy
symbolsAre_too>_>, symbols_areTOO>>      truthy


Dies ist in Nim selbst geschrieben.

import strutils, re

proc sameIdentifier(a, b: string): bool =
  a[0] == b[0] and
    a.replace(re"_|–", "").toLower == b.replace(re"_|–", "").toLower

Ich schlage einen Testfall von vor f("_test", "test").

@Doorknob Hinzugefügt.

Ich schlage vor, hinzuzufügen f("test", "tset"), da ich denke, dass eine Antwort ein unerwartetes Ergebnis liefert.
Ørjan Johansen

@ ØrjanJohansen Fertig.

Warten Sie, also geben Sie Zeichenfolgen ein, die "Nim-Bezeichner darstellen", und wir müssen "nicht prüfen, ob es sich um einen gültigen Bezeichner handelt", aber dann enthält eines der Beispiele >?



JavaScript (ES6), 62 61 Bytes

1 Byte gespeichert dank @JohanKarlsson gespeichert

Übernimmt Eingaben in der Currying-Syntax (a)(b). Gibt einen Booleschen Wert zurück.



/-|_/gspeichert ein Byte
Johan Karlsson


Eigentlich 15 Bytes


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Unterhaltsame Tatsache: Dies funktioniert mit einer beliebigen Anzahl von Eingaben (bei weniger als 2 Eingaben wird immer die Wahrheit zurückgegeben).


⌠p"-_"(-Σùo⌡M    for each input:
 p                 separate the first character
  "-_"(-           remove all dashes and underscores from the rest of the string
        Σù         concatenate the list from the last operation and lowercase the string
          o        append it to the first character
             ═Y  are none of the elements unique?


Pyth , 13 Bytes


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  m              For each value in the input (which is a list of two strings):
   [             Create a list consisting of
    hd               the first character of each value
      -r0d"-_        and the lowercase version of the value without "-" or "_"
qF               Fold over equivalence; checks to see if both lists are the same


05AB1E , 12 Bytes


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-1 danke an Adnan .

Theoretisch εćs„-_-«}Ëhätte das für 10 Bytes funktionieren sollen, aber leider ist dieses Verhalten vorerst veraltet.

Oh yeah lol, I still need to fix that. You can save a byte by using „-_SK instead of '-K'_K.

@Adnan And I knew there was a way. Thanks!
Erik der Outgolfer

11 bytes if you change SK to м.
Kevin Cruijssen

@KevinCruijssen Hm, I'll update this answer. I don't think м existed back then. :P
Erik the Outgolfer


Jelly, 11 bytes


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-2 bytes thanks to Erik the Outgolfer
-1 byte thanks to Jonathan Allan

Take a list of two strings like ["symbolsAre_too>_>", "symbols_areTOO>>"] and use Ḣ;ḟ⁾-_Œl$µ€E instead for -2. Beat that Pyth!
Erik the Outgolfer

...or even just ḟ⁾-_Œl,Ḣµ€E for 11 bytes.
Jonathan Allan

No problem, maybe credit Erik for 2 and me for 1 :)
Jonathan Allan

@JonathanAllan Ah. Good idea; I'll do that :)


Ruby, 86 64 63 61 51 bytes


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This feels really long still feels a bit long. I would appreciate the help of any Ruby gurus out there in making this at least a bit shorter.

Not a guru, but I got inspired to check out the String method list. .delete("_-") is shorter.
Ørjan Johansen

f[x] is always a valid substitution for when stabby lambdas are involved.
Value Ink

@ValueInk Thanks! I've been trying to figure out how to golf in Ruby based on Stack Overflow answers, so I didn't know that was an option.
Wheat Wizard


C++, 288 248 bytes

-5 bytes thanks to Zacharý

#define E(a,v)a.erase(std::remove(a.begin(),a.end(),v),a.end());
#define F(a)for(auto&c:a)c=toupper(c);
int e(std::string&a,std::string&b){if(a[0]!=b[0])return 0;E(a,45)E(b,45)E(a,95)E(b,95)F(a)F(b)return a==b;}

Thanks you, Preprocessor. Also, this code takes advantage of the fact that in C++ the rule to cast int to bool is int_var!=0

Add a ; after the definition of F. Then, change the first return statement to return 0;E(a,45)E(b,45)E(a,95)E(b,95)F(a)F(b).


CJam, 20 bytes


Takes input in the form of ["string1","string2"].

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_      e# make copy of input
"-_"f- e# remove all "-" and "_" from both words in copy
:el    e# convert words in copy to lowercase
:=     e# 1 if both words in copy are equal, 0 if not
\      e# move original version of input to top of stack
:c     e# convert each word in original input to only 1st character
:=     e# 1 if both characters from original input are equal, 0 if not
*      e# multply the two numbers we obtained. If and only if both are 1 (true) we return 1 (true)


Haskell, 85 78 76 71 68 bytes

2 bytes saved thanks to Ørjan Johansen

import Data.Char
s(a:x)=a:[toLower a|a<-x,all(/=a)"-_"]
x!y=s x==s y

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Errors on the empty string.

all(/=a)"-_". Also after your latest edit, f needs to become an operator.
Ørjan Johansen

@ØrjanJohansen Ah thanks. I thought there was a shorter way to do notElem but I couldn't remember it for the life of me.
Wheat Wizard


Python 2, 72 bytes

lambda x,y:r(x)==r(y)
r=lambda x:x[0]+x[1:].lower().translate(None,"-_")

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Won't work with Python 3 because of the new translate syntax.


Excel, 105 bytes


CODE() returns numeric code of first character.

String comparison in Excel is case insensitive.


Husk, 13 bytes


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Builds for each string a pair consisting of the first character of the string and the whole string lowercased and with all occurrences of -/_ removed. Then checks if the two pairs are equal.

A particularity is that - in Husk is set difference (i.e. it removes only the first occurrence found): in order to remove all occurrences, the fixed point of -"-_ is found with ω-"-_.


Japt, 14 25 bytes

g ¥Vg ©Uu k"_-" ¥Vu k"_-"

Checks case-insensitive string equality by removing all characters in word 2 from word 1, and removing the -_ characters; that results in an empty string ("") if the words are equal.
Thanks Ørjan Johansen for pointing out the problem with this.

Checks first-char equality and if the uppercased inputs are equal after removing _-.

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Implicit input: U and V are input strings

g ¥Vg

Check if first letter of U (implicit) equals (¥) the first char of V.

©Uu k"_-" ¥Vu k"_-"

And (©) check if U, uppercased (u) and with _- removed (k), equals (¥) the same for V. Implicitly return the boolean result.

I cannot get the link to work, but that explanation sounds like it does the wrong thing. What does it give for test vs. tset?
Ørjan Johansen

@ØrjanJohansen Good point... it'll fail for that case. As for the link, I've tested it and it works fine.
Justin Mariner

Yeah the link is my own fault - one of these days I need to change to a modern browser. I had better luck with Try it online!
Ørjan Johansen

@ØrjanJohansen Could I ask what browser you're using? I'm in the process of improving that CodePen and would like to make it as compatible as TIO.
Justin Mariner

cough still using Internet Explorer.
Ørjan Johansen


Perl 5, 67 bytes

s/.//,push@a,$&,y/_-//dr for<>;say($a[0]eq$a[2]&&lc$a[3]eq lc$a[1])

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Takes the identifiers as input on separate lines.


s/.//,             # remove the first character
push@a,            # storage space, even positions are first character
                   # odd positions are remainder
$&,                # implicit variable holding last matched pattern (first char)
y/_-//dr           # Remove _ and - from remainder of input
for<>;             # iterate over all input lines
say                # output
($a[0]eq$a[2]&&    # check that first character is identical and
lc$a[3]eq lc$a[1]) # so is the lowercase version of the rest


Charcoal, 29 bytes


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This prints a - for truthy and nothing for falsey.

Link to the verbose version. It first compares the first character of both input strings (⁼§θ⁰§η⁰) and then compares the rest of both strings after removing the underscores and the hyphens (⪫⪪⪫⪪θ_ω-ω) and converting to lowercase ().


C#, 101 89 bytes

string g(string s)=>string.Concat(s.ToUpper().Split('-','_'));f=>s=>f[0]==s[0]&g(f)==g(s)

Saved 12 bytes thanks to @kusi581.

if you use a local function for string.Concat(...) you can save 2 bytes ;)

@kusi581 Thanks, saved 12 bytes.


C (gcc), 126 114 bytes

#define p(s)do++s;while(*s==45||*s==95);*s>95?*s-=32:0;

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With whitespace and comments:

#define p(s)                   // Define helper macro p           \
    do ++s;                    // Increment pointer at least once \
    while (*s==45 | *s==95);   // and past any '-' or '_'         \
    *s>95 ? *s -= 32 : 0;      // If lowercase letter, convert to upper

f(char* a, char* b) {          // Define main function f
    while (*a && *a == *b) {   // Loop until end of either string
                               // or a difference found
        p(a)                   // Transform pointer and one char
        p(b)                   // via helper p above
    return *a==*b;             // Test chars equal (on success, both '\0')

The question specifies ASCII printables, so (1) The first while test can be shortened to *s%50==45. (2) However, the lowercasing is wrong, e.g. it fails on t~ vs. t^.
Ørjan Johansen

@ØrjanJohansen I thought we could assume the inputs were both valid identifiers. But then that example with > was added, hmm.

Huh. I was going by that example too. Looking now in the Nim manual, even - isn't actually allowed, but the algorithm still includes it...
Ørjan Johansen

@ØrjanJohansen Yeah, I noticed - isn't in the grammar description of identifier - but then other parts of that document imply it is allowed.


Dyalog APL, 47 32 28 27 26 22 bytes

-4 bytes thanks to Kritixi Lithos


Takes input as a list of the strings.

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               ⍵~'-_'   Remove '-' and '_'
           819⌶         Lowercase
         ≡/             Equality between elements
        ∧               And
 (=/⊃¨⍵)                The first element of each element is equal

I think you can do ⊃⍺=⍵ instead instead of ⍺[1]=⍵[1]
Kritixi Lithos

No, because the arguments could be of a different length!

In that case, ⊃⍵ instead of ⍵[1] should work
Kritixi Lithos

Maybe even ⊃⍺=⊃⍵ instead of ⍺[1]=⍵[1]
Kritixi Lithos


Common Lisp, 98 bytes

(lambda(x y)(and(eql(elt x 0)(elt y 0))(string-equal(#1=remove #\-(#1##\_ y))(#1##\-(#1##\_ x)))))

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Ungolfed (super straightforward!) version:

(defun f(x y)
  (and (eql (elt x 0) (elt y 0))         ; check if initial characters are identical
       (string-equal                     ; string comparison (case insensitive)
         (remove #\- (remove #\_ y))     ; remove from both strings the unwanted chars
         (remove #\- (remove #\_ x)))))


R, 76 bytes


Anonymous function that takes input as a list of two strings. Takes advantage of the fact that R's string operations, while quite long in # of characters, are vectorized. Additionally wrapping an assignment in parentheses will bind the variable, so (g=substr(l,1,1)) retains a variable to be reused later in the line and similarly for h.

R returns the last evaluated expression as function output.


  g <- substr(l,1,1)
  h <- tolower(gsub("_|-","",l))

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Brachylog, 17 bytes


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Outputs through predicate success/failure.

h                    The first element
 ᵛ                   is the same for each element of the input,
  &                  and
   {           }ᵛ    for each element of the input the following are the same:
    {      &ụ}ˢ      every element uppercased which satisfies the condition that
     ¬∈              it is not an element of
       "_-"          the string "_-".


Erlang 113 bytes

A=fun(L)->string:to_lower(lists:flatten(string:tokens(L,"-_")))end,fun([C|D],[C|E])->A(D)==A(E);(_,_)->a==b end.

a pair of anonymous functions that compare the two lists. meant to be pasted in the erlang shell.

more readable:

A=fun(L) ->
    string:to_lower( % case insensitive
        lists:flatten( % squash all characters back into one list
            string:tokens(L,"-_") % return a list of list of characters
fun([C|D],[C|E]) -> % are the first characters exactly the same?
    A(D)==A(E); % does the rest compare correctly?
   (_,_) -> % first chars not the same
    a==b % shorter than 'false'


Clip, 25 bytes



x, y and z may be referenced in a Clip program to implicitly take up to three inputs. Since this program only references x and y, it takes two inputs which are assigned to x and y.

 =(x(y                    First characters of x and y are equal
&                         And
      =AxAy               A(x) == A(y)
           [Aa            Function A, takes parameter a
                m.L`a     Map all elements of a to lower case
              --     '-'_ Remove all occurrences of '-' and '_'

Takes two strings from standard input, outputs 1 and 0 for true and false respectively.

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