Ändern Sie die Größe von WordPress-Bildern im Handumdrehen mithilfe der integrierten WordPress-Funktionen.
Verwenden Sie diese vt_resize
Funktion, um die Größe von WordPress-Bildern in einem benutzerdefinierten Feld, einem empfohlenen Bild, einem Upload-Verzeichnis, dem NextGen Gallery WordPress-Plugin oder sogar einem externen Link zu einem externen Bild dynamisch zu ändern.
Es ist sehr einfach zu bedienen, kopieren Sie einfach den folgenden Code in die functions.php
Datei Ihres WordPress-Themes Ihres aktuell aktivierten WordPress-Themes.
Wenden Sie sich dann, wo immer Sie die Größe eines Bildes ändern müssen, einfach an diese Funktion, indem Sie den in den Kommentaren der Funktion erläuterten Parametern folgen.
Hier ist ein Beispiel für das automatische Abrufen der Beitrags-ID, des Beitrags selbst, der benutzerdefinierten Feldwerte des Beitrags und das dynamische Ändern der Größe des Bilds aus dem benutzerdefinierten Feld, das das Bild enthält, um die Größe dynamisch im laufenden Betrieb zu ändern.
// Place this in your functions.php
function get_postID(){
global $wp_query;
$thePostID = $wp_query->post->ID;
// Place the following lines where you want to perform this action.
$postID = get_postID();// Obtain the current Post ID.
$post = get_post($postID);// Takes the current Post ID and returns the database record.
$custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);// Returns a multidimensional array with all custom fields of the Post.
$image = $custom['field-slug'][0];// Specify the array key of the Custom Field containing the image.
// The first parameter is blank. Meaning, we will not be using a Post Attachment.
// The second parameter is the image from our Post's Custom Field value.
// The third and fourth parameters are the width and height of the image after the re-size is performed.
// The fifth parameter means we want to crop this image.
$resizedImage = vt_resize('', $image, 190, 338, true);// Dynamically re-size our image on the fly.
echo '<img src="'.$resizedImage[url].'" width="'.$resizedImage[width].'" height="'.$resizedImage[height].'" title="'.$post->post_title.'" alt="'.$post->post_title.'" />';// The image properties are held in an array. (Use print_r($resizedImage) for array properties.)
- Beschreibung: Ändern Sie die Größe von Bildern dynamisch mit den in WordPress integrierten Funktionen.
- Urheber: Victor Teixeira
- Anforderungen: PHP 5.2+, WordPress 3.2+
Ich habe den Quellcode neu formatiert, damit er für meine eigenen Augen besser lesbar ist. Wenn Sie den ursprünglich formatierten Quellcode möchten, besuchen Sie den obigen Link.
* Resize images dynamically using wp built in functions
* Victor Teixeira
* php 5.2+
* Exemplo de uso:
* <?php
* $thumb = get_post_thumbnail_id();
* $image = vt_resize($thumb, '', 140, 110, true);
* ?>
* <img src="<?php echo $image[url]; ?>" width="<?php echo $image[width]; ?>" height="<?php echo $image[height]; ?>" />
* @param int $attach_id
* @param string $img_url
* @param int $width
* @param int $height
* @param bool $crop
* @return array
function vt_resize($attach_id = null, $img_url = null, $width, $height, $crop = false){
// this is an attachment, so we have the ID
$image_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attach_id, 'full');
$file_path = get_attached_file($attach_id);
} elseif($img_url){
// this is not an attachment, let's use the image url
$file_path = parse_url($img_url);
$file_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$file_path['path'];
// Look for Multisite Path
if(file_exists($file_path) === false){
global $blog_id;
$file_path = parse_url($img_url);
if(preg_match('/files/', $file_path['path'])){
$path = explode('/', $file_path['path']);
foreach($path as $k => $v){
if($v == 'files'){
$path[$k-1] = 'wp-content/blogs.dir/'.$blog_id;
$path = implode('/', $path);
$file_path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$path;
//$file_path = ltrim( $file_path['path'], '/' );
//$file_path = rtrim( ABSPATH, '/' ).$file_path['path'];
$orig_size = getimagesize($file_path);
$image_src[0] = $img_url;
$image_src[1] = $orig_size[0];
$image_src[2] = $orig_size[1];
$file_info = pathinfo($file_path);
// check if file exists
$base_file = $file_info['dirname'].'/'.$file_info['filename'].'.'.$file_info['extension'];
$extension = '.'. $file_info['extension'];
// the image path without the extension
$no_ext_path = $file_info['dirname'].'/'.$file_info['filename'];
$cropped_img_path = $no_ext_path.'-'.$width.'x'.$height.$extension;
// checking if the file size is larger than the target size
// if it is smaller or the same size, stop right here and return
if($image_src[1] > $width){
// the file is larger, check if the resized version already exists (for $crop = true but will also work for $crop = false if the sizes match)
$cropped_img_url = str_replace(basename($image_src[0]), basename($cropped_img_path), $image_src[0]);
$vt_image = array(
'url' => $cropped_img_url,
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height
return $vt_image;
// $crop = false or no height set
if($crop == false OR !$height){
// calculate the size proportionaly
$proportional_size = wp_constrain_dimensions($image_src[1], $image_src[2], $width, $height);
$resized_img_path = $no_ext_path.'-'.$proportional_size[0].'x'.$proportional_size[1].$extension;
// checking if the file already exists
$resized_img_url = str_replace(basename($image_src[0]), basename($resized_img_path), $image_src[0]);
$vt_image = array(
'url' => $resized_img_url,
'width' => $proportional_size[0],
'height' => $proportional_size[1]
return $vt_image;
// check if image width is smaller than set width
$img_size = getimagesize($file_path);
if($img_size[0] <= $width) $width = $img_size[0];
// Check if GD Library installed
echo 'GD Library Error: imagecreatetruecolor does not exist - please contact your webhost and ask them to install the GD library';
// no cache files - let's finally resize it
$new_img_path = image_resize($file_path, $width, $height, $crop);
$new_img_size = getimagesize($new_img_path);
$new_img = str_replace(basename($image_src[0]), basename($new_img_path), $image_src[0]);
// resized output
$vt_image = array(
'url' => $new_img,
'width' => $new_img_size[0],
'height' => $new_img_size[1]
return $vt_image;
// default output - without resizing
$vt_image = array(
'url' => $image_src[0],
'width' => $width,
'height' => $height
return $vt_image;
<?php $main_image = of_get_option('of_main_image'); $thepost = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE guid = '$main_image'" ) ); $theID = $thepost->ID; echo wp_get_attachment_image( $theID, 'homepage_main' ); ?>
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