Die ursprüngliche Absicht dieser Frage war es, zu wissen, woher ein einzelner Beitrag verwiesen wurde, und danach den nächsten und den vorherigen Beitrag gemäß dem Beitragsverweis aufzuschalten.
Was ich erreichen wollte, war zum Beispiel:
Ein Beitrag wird auf einer Kategorie-, Taxonomie-, Tag-, Such- oder Autorenarchivseite angeklickt. Diese Archive dienen als Verweise. Normalerweise würde man nun, wie in meiner Frage, wp_get_referer()
diesen Referrer verwenden, um ihn in weiteren Abfragen zu verwenden. Wie von @GM in seiner oben akzeptierten Antwort beschrieben , ist diese Methode nicht zuverlässig, daher habe ich seine alternative Lösung verwendet .
Das andere Problem bestand darin, eine Art Cookie oder eine Sitzung zum Speichern dieses Referrers zu verwenden, damit Sie weiterhin Beiträge des ursprünglichen Referrers aufteilen, wenn Sie von dem ursprünglichen einzelnen Beitrag weg navigieren, auf den aus dem bestimmten Archiv geklickt wurde. Da Cookies auch vom Endbenutzer kontrolliert werden und daher nicht zuverlässig sind und WordPress standardmäßig keine Sitzungen verwendet, habe ich die Links zum nächsten und vorherigen Beitrag mithilfe von @GM Alternative Solution überarbeitet , um eine zuverlässige Möglichkeit zum Überprüfen und Speichern meines Originals zu erhalten Überweiser.
Dies ist, was ich mir ausgedacht habe, und ich hoffe, dass es jemand in naher Zukunft nützlich finden wird. Bitte verwenden und missbrauchen Sie den Code, um Ihre Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Nur eine Anfrage: Verlinken Sie zurück zu dieser Frage. :-)
Dieser Code ist ziemlich lang und intensiv, daher werde ich nicht auf Details eingehen. Der Code wurde gut kommentiert
Dieser Code bietet die Möglichkeit, innerhalb desselben Begriffs zwischen Beiträgen zu blättern, genau wie der Standard next_post_link()
und die previous_post_link()
Funktionen in WordPress. Genau wie bei den nativen Funktionen müssen Sie die Taxonomie festlegen. Der Standardwert für in_same_term
ist true
und die Taxonomie istcategory
Am wichtigsten ist, dass dieser Code PHP 5.4+ benötigt
* @author Pieter Goosen
* @license GPLv2
* @link http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* The functions on this page returns the next and previous post links
* depending on what has been set
* @return function single_post_navigation()
* Register six new query variables aq, ,cq, tq, ttq, taq, and sq set by
* the term_referer_link function
* @see http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Query_Vars
add_filter( 'query_vars', function ( $vars ) {
$vars[] = 'cq'; // Will hold category ID
$vars[] = 'tq'; // Will hold taxonomy name
$vars[] = 'ttq'; // Will hold term slug
$vars[] = 'sq'; // Will hold search query
$vars[] = 'aq'; // Will hold author name
$vars[] = 'taq'; // Will hold tag id
return $vars;
}, 10, 3 );
* Conditional tag to check whether or not a query_var has been set
* @param string $query_var query_var to check
* @return (bool) true if query_var exists, false on failure
function has_query_var( $query_var ) {
$array = $GLOBALS['wp_query']->query_vars;
return array_key_exists( $query_var, $array );
* For posts being clicked from a category page, the query_var, 'cq' is set.
* 'cq' holds the category ID
* Set two query_var, 'tq' and 'ttq' to single posts that was clicked on from
* taxonomy pages. 'tq' holds the taxonomy name while 'ttq' holds the term name
* For search queries, the query_var, 'sq' is set to single posts that was clicked on from
* the search page. 'sq' holds the search query value
* For posts being clicked from an author page, the query_var, 'aq' is set.
* 'aq' holds the author ID
* For posts being clicked from a tag page, the query_var, 'taq' is set.
* 'taq' holds the tag ID
* This function replaces the wp_get_referer() and $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']
* functions that are not very reliable
* @see php.net manual $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']
* @link http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.server.php
* @uses add_query_arg()
* @uses post_link
* @uses post_type_link
add_filter( 'post_type_link', 'term_referer_link', 10, 3 );
add_filter( 'post_link', 'term_referer_link', 10, 3 );
function term_referer_link( $permalink, $post ) {
switch ( true ) {
case ( is_category() ):
$category = get_queried_object_id();
$args = [
'cq' => $category,
case ( is_tax() ):
$term = get_queried_object();
$args = [
'tq' => $term->taxonomy,
'ttq' => $term->slug
case ( is_search() ):
$search = get_search_query();
$args = [
'sq' => $search,
case ( is_author() ):
$author = get_queried_object_id();
$args = [
'aq' => $author,
case ( is_tag() ):
$tag = get_queried_object_id();
$args = [
'taq' => $tag,
if( isset( $args ) ) {
$permalink = add_query_arg( $args, $permalink );
return $permalink;
* @access private
* This function is marked private and should not be used in any other functions
* This is a helper function for the main navigation function
* This function checks if any of the query variables is set in the single
* post page URL. If they exist, the values are retrieved that were set
* by the query variables
* These query variables are converted into query arguments for the query that will
* be used to determine the current post position and the posts adjacent to the
* current post which will translate in the next and previous post.
* When no query variables are present, an empty array of arguments is returned
* @uses has_query_var()
* @return (array) $add_query_args_to_args Query variable to determine the next/previous post links
* @see http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_query_arg
function _query_vars_to_query_args() {
switch ( true ) {
case ( has_query_var( 'cq' ) ): // For category referrer
$category = get_query_var( 'cq' );
$add_query_args_to_args = [
'cat' => $category,
case ( has_query_var( 'tq' ) && has_query_var( 'ttq' ) ): // For taxonomy term referrer
$taxonomy = get_query_var( 'tq' );
$term = get_query_var( 'ttq' );
$add_query_args_to_args = [
'tax_query' => [
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
'field' => 'slug',
'terms' => $term,
'include_children' => false,
case ( has_query_var( 'sq' ) ): // For search referrer
$search = get_query_var( 'sq' );
$add_query_args_to_args = [
's' => $search,
case ( has_query_var( 'aq' ) ): // For author referrer
$author = get_query_var( 'aq' );
$add_query_args_to_args = [
'author' => $author,
case ( has_query_var( 'taq' ) ): // For tag referrer
$tag = get_query_var( 'taq' );
$add_query_args_to_args = [
'tag_id' => $tag,
default: // Default: returns empty array on any other archive or homepage
$add_query_args_to_args = [];
return $add_query_args_to_args;
* @access private
* This function is marked private and should not be used in any other functions
* This is a helper function for the main pagination function. This function
* checks if the defined query variables has been set in the URL of a single
* post
* If any of the query variables are found on any given single post page, then
* these query variables will be set to the next and previous post links according
* to the single post's query variables
* This way, next and previous posts will be shown from the same category, term,
* search query or author archive from which the original single post was referred
* from.
* If a single post was referred from any other archive or main page, these query
* variables will not be set, and function will default to an empty array and no
* query variables will be set to the next and previous post links
* @uses has_query_var()
* @return (array) $qv Query variable to add to next/previous post links
* @see http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_query_arg
* @todo Other archives can be added later
function _add_query_vars_to_nav_links() {
switch ( true ) {
case ( has_query_var( 'cq' ) ): // For category referrer
$category = get_query_var( 'cq' );
$qv = [
'cq' => $category,
case ( has_query_var( 'tq' ) && has_query_var( 'ttq' ) ): // For taxonomy term referrer
$taxonomy = get_query_var( 'tq' );
$term = get_query_var( 'ttq' );
$qv = [
'tq' => $term->taxonomy,
'ttq' => $term->slug
case ( has_query_var( 'sq' ) ): // For search referrer
$search = get_query_var( 'sq' );
$qv = [
'sq' => $search,
case ( has_query_var( 'aq' ) ): // For author referrer
$author = get_query_var( 'aq' );
$qv = [
'aq' => $author,
case ( has_query_var( 'taq' ) ): // For tag referrer
$tag = get_query_var( 'taq' );
$qv = [
'taq' => $tag,
default: // Default: returns empty array on any other archive or homepage
$qv = [];
return $qv;
* This function returns navigation links to the next/previous single post
* There are choices to which taxonomy to use, and whether adjacent posts should
* be of the same term or not
* When in_same_term is set to true, you have a choice to use the parent term or
* child term if a post belongs to both. If the parent term is not available, the child term
* is automatically used
* @param array $defaults An array of key => value arguments. Defaults below
* - bool in_same_term Whether or not next/previous post should be in the same term Default true
* - bool parent_term If in_same_term is true, should the parent or child terms be used Default true
* - string/array taxonomy The taxonomy from which terms to use Default category
* - string/array post_types Post types to get posts from. Uses current post's post type on empty string. Default empty string
* - string previous_text Text to display with previous post Default 'Previous post'
* - string next_text Text to display with next post Default 'Next post'
* @return string $links
function get_single_post_navigation( $args = [] ) {
// Sets the default arguments for default usage
$defaults = [
'in_same_term' => true,
'parent_term' => true,
'post_types' => '',
'taxonomy' => 'category',
'previous_text' => __( 'Previous post' ),
'next_text' => __( 'Next post' ),
// Merges the default arguments with user defined variables
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
* Get the currently displayed single post. For this use
* get_queried_object() as this is more safe than the global $post
* The $post global is very easily changed by any poorly written custom query
* or function, and is there for not reliable
* @see Post below on WPSE for explanation
* @link /wordpress//q/167706/31545
$single_post = get_queried_object();
* Use the post type of the current post or post types entered in args
$post_type = ( empty( $args['post_types'] ) ) ? $single_post->post_type : $args['post_types'];
// Set the variable query variables according to condition
if( !empty( _query_vars_to_query_args() ) ) {
$query_args = _query_vars_to_query_args();
}elseif( true === $args['in_same_term'] ) {
$terms = wp_get_post_terms( $single_post->ID, $args['taxonomy'] );
if ( ! empty( $terms ) && ! is_wp_error( $terms ) ){
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
if( $term->parent === 0 ) {
$parent[] = $term;
$child[] = $term;
$term_id = ( $args['parent_term'] === true && isset( $parent ) ) ? $parent[0]->term_id : $child[0]->term_id;
$query_args = [
'tax_query' => [
'taxonomy' => $args['taxonomy'],
'field' => 'term_id',
'terms' => $term_id,
'include_children' => false,
$query_args = [];
// Default arguments to use with all the conditional statements above
$default_query_args = [
'post_type' => $post_type,
'fields' => 'ids',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'suppress_filters' => true,
// Merges the default arguments with the arguments from the conditional statement
$combined_args = wp_parse_args( $query_args, $default_query_args );
$q = new WP_Query( $combined_args );
// Get the current post position. Will be used to determine adjacent posts
$current_post_position = array_search( $single_post->ID, $q->posts );
// Get the returned values from '_add_query_vars_to_nav_links()' to build links
$get_qv = _add_query_vars_to_nav_links();
// Get the next/older post ID
if ( array_key_exists( $current_post_position + 1 , $q->posts ) ) {
$next = $q->posts[$current_post_position + 1];
// Get post title link to the next post
if( isset( $next ) ) {
$next_post = get_post( $next );
$next_post_link = ( !empty( $get_qv ) ) ? add_query_arg( $get_qv, get_permalink( $next ) ) : get_permalink( $next );
$next_title = '<span class="meta-nav">' . $args['next_text'] . ': </span><a href="' . $next_post_link . '">' . $next_post->post_title . '</a></br>';
$next_title = '';
// Get the previous/newer post ID
if ( array_key_exists( $current_post_position - 1 , $q->posts ) ) {
$previous = $q->posts[$current_post_position - 1];
// Get post title link to the previous post
if( isset( $previous ) ) {
$previous_post = get_post( $previous );
$previous_post_link = ( !empty( $get_qv ) ) ? add_query_arg( $get_qv, get_permalink( $previous ) ) : get_permalink( $previous );
$previous_title = '<span class="meta-nav">' . $args['previous_text'] . ': </span><a href="' . $previous_post_link . '">' . $previous_post->post_title . '</a></br>';
$previous_title = '';
// Create the next/previous post links
$links = '<nav class="navigation post-navigation" role="navigation">';
$links .= '<div class="nav-links">';
$links .= $previous_title;
$links .= $next_title;
$links .= '</div><!-- .nav-links -->';
$links .= '</nav><!-- .navigation -->';
// Returns the post links with HTML mark-up
return $links;
* This function is simply just a wrapper for the main navigation
* function and echo's the returned values from the main navigation
* function
function single_post_navigation( $args = [] ) {
echo get_single_post_navigation( $args );
Wenn Sie nicht in Beiträgen innerhalb desselben Begriffs navigieren müssen, Beiträge von allen Beitragstypen abrufen und den nächsten und vorherigen Text mit Ihrem Link anpassen müssen, haben Sie folgende Möglichkeiten:
$args = [
'in_same_term' => false,
'post_types' => ['post', 'my_post_type'],
'previous_text' => __( 'Vorige Pos' ),
'next_text' => __( 'Volgende Pos' ),
single_post_navigation( $args );
Auf Anfrage von einem Beitrag auf SO und als Teil von a habe @todo
ich nun die Unterstützung eingeführt, um nicht nur zwischen Beiträgen des Beitragstyps des aktuellen Beitrags zu navigieren, sondern auch zwischen einer Reihe von Beitragstypen, die vom Benutzer mithilfe des post_types
Parameters in der Funktion festgelegt wurden. Bitte beachten Sie den aktualisierten Code.
In 'suppress_filters' => true,
auf WP_Query
Argumente , so dass die Paginierung geändert wird nicht durch Filter können verwendet werden ,WP_Query