Angesichts einer Reihe von Zeilen, die ähnlich aussehen:
2001 "Some Kind of Title," Author's Name, Publication Name, 1 Mar.
2002 "Some Kind of Title," Author's Name, Publication Name, 12 Oct.
2003 "Some Kind of Title," Author's Name, Publication Name, 8 Apr.
2004 "Some Kind of Title," Author's Name, Publication Name, 3 Jun.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, diese ersten vier Zeichen (das Jahr) zu erfassen und an das Ende der Zeile zu kopieren, sodass es so aussieht:
2001 "Some Kind of Title," Author's Name, Publication Name, 1 Mar. 2001
2002 "Some Kind of Title," Author's Name, Publication Name, 12 Oct. 2002
2003 "Some Kind of Title," Author's Name, Publication Name, 8 Apr. 2003
2004 "Some Kind of Title," Author's Name, Publication Name, 3 Jun. 2004
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