Ich möchte eine "To-Do" -Liste für mein Hintergrundbild erstellen. Ich hatte gehofft, eine Textdatei schreiben, speichern und den Hintergrund jedes Mal aktualisieren zu können, wenn ich eine Datei bearbeite. Ist das möglich?
Ich möchte eine "To-Do" -Liste für mein Hintergrundbild erstellen. Ich hatte gehofft, eine Textdatei schreiben, speichern und den Hintergrund jedes Mal aktualisieren zu können, wenn ich eine Datei bearbeite. Ist das möglich?
Das folgende Skript überwacht eine Textdatei, die Sie bearbeiten können. Wenn die Datei geändert wird, wird eine neue Ebene über Ihrem Hintergrundbild mit dem Text der Datei erstellt.
Sie können definieren:
Das Skript verwendet Imagemagick. Möglicherweise müssen Sie es zuerst installieren:
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
Führen Sie das Skript mit dem folgenden Befehl aus:
python3 /path/to/walltext.py
Beginnen Sie nun mit der Bearbeitung Ihrer Textdatei. Alle fünf Sekunden wird das Hintergrundbild bei Bedarf aktualisiert (nachdem Sie die Änderungen gespeichert haben):
1 Spalte, maximal 30 Zeilen pro Spalte
2 Spalten, maximal 20 Zeilen pro Spalte
3 Spalten, maximal 10 Zeilen pro Spalte
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import os
import time
curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
curr_wall = curr_dir+"/"+"original.jpg"
notes = curr_dir+"/"+"notes.txt"
text_color = "white" # text color
size = "20" # text size (real size depends on the scale factor of your wallpaper)
border = 120 # space around your text blocks
columns = 2 # (max) number of columns
n_lines = 10 # (max) number of lines per column
def run_command(cmd):
subprocess.call(["/bin/bash", "-c", cmd])
def get_value(cmd):
return subprocess.check_output(["/bin/bash", "-c", cmd]).decode("utf-8").strip()
def read_text(file):
with open(file) as src:
return [l.strip() for l in src.readlines()]
def slice_lines(lines, n_lines, columns):
markers = [i for i in range(len(lines)) if i % n_lines == 0]
last = len(lines); markers = markers+[last] if markers[-1] != last else markers
textblocks = [lines[markers[i]:markers[i+1]] for i in range(len(markers)-1)]
filled_blocks = len(textblocks)
if filled_blocks < columns:
for n in range(columns - filled_blocks):
textblocks.insert(len(textblocks), [])
for i in range(columns):
textblocks[i] = ("\n").join(textblocks[i])
return textblocks[:columns]
def create_section(psize, text, layer):
run_command("convert -background none -fill "+text_color+" -border "+str(border)+\
" -bordercolor none -pointsize "+size+" -size "+psize+\
" caption:"+'"'+text+'" '+layer)
def combine_sections(layers):
run_command("convert "+image_1+" "+image_2+" "+"+append "+span_image)
def set_overlay():
boxes = slice_lines(read_text(notes), n_lines, columns)
resolution = get_value('identify -format "%wx%h" '+curr_wall).split("x")
w = str(int(int(resolution[0])/columns)-2*border)
h = str(int(resolution[1])-2*border)
layers = []
for i in range(len(boxes)):
layer = curr_dir+"/"+"layer_"+str(i+1)+".png"
create_section(w+"x"+h, boxes[i], layer)
run_command("convert "+(" ").join(layers)+" "+"+append "+curr_dir+"/"+"layer_span.png")
wall_img = curr_dir+"/"+"walltext.jpg"
run_command("convert "+curr_wall+" "+curr_dir+"/"+"layer_span.png"+" -background None -layers merge "+wall_img)
run_command("gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri file:///"+wall_img)
for img in [img for img in os.listdir(curr_dir) if img.startswith("layer_")]:
while True:
text_1 = read_text(notes)
text_2 = read_text(notes)
if text_2 != text_1:
Ich habe den obigen Code geändert, um stündlich zufällige Anführungszeichen auf das Hintergrundbild zu setzen. Viel Spaß :) http://forraskod.blogspot.hu/2016/01/linux-hatterkep-veletlenszeru.html
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import os
import time
import random
curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
curr_wall = curr_dir+"/"+"original.jpg"
notes = curr_dir+"/"+"notes.txt"
text_color = "white" # text color
size = "80" # text size (real size depends on the scale factor of your wallpaper)
border = 480 # space around your text blocks
columns = 1 # (max) number of columns
n_lines = 3 # (max) number of lines per column
def run_command(cmd):
subprocess.call(["/bin/bash", "-c", cmd])
def get_value(cmd):
return subprocess.check_output(["/bin/bash", "-c", cmd]).decode("utf-8").strip()
def read_text(file):
with open(file) as src:
return [l.strip() for l in src.readlines()]
def slice_lines(lines, n_lines, columns):
markers = [i for i in range(len(lines)) if i % n_lines == 0]
last = len(lines); markers = markers+[last] if markers[-1] != last else markers
textblocks = [lines[markers[i]:markers[i+1]] for i in range(len(markers)-1)]
filled_blocks = len(textblocks)
if filled_blocks < columns:
for n in range(columns - filled_blocks):
textblocks.insert(len(textblocks), [])
for i in range(columns):
textblocks[i] = ("\n").join(textblocks[i])
return textblocks[:columns]
def create_section(psize, text, layer):
run_command("convert -background none -fill "+text_color+" -border "+str(border)+\
" -bordercolor none -pointsize "+size+" -size "+psize+\
" caption:"+'"'+text+'" '+layer)
def combine_sections(layers):
run_command("convert "+image_1+" "+image_2+" "+"+append "+span_image)
def set_overlay(): # Read the file "notes" as specified above, display text in columns
boxes = slice_lines(read_text(notes), n_lines, columns)
resolution = get_value('identify -format "%wx%h" '+curr_wall).split("x")
w = str(int(int(resolution[0])/columns)-2*border)
h = str(int(resolution[1])-2*border)
layers = []
for i in range(len(boxes)):
layer = curr_dir+"/"+"layer_"+str(i+1)+".png"
create_section(w+"x"+h, boxes[i], layer)
run_command("convert "+(" ").join(layers)+" "+"+append "+curr_dir+"/"+"layer_span.png")
wall_img = curr_dir+"/"+"walltext.jpg"
run_command("convert "+curr_wall+" "+curr_dir+"/"+"layer_span.png"+" -background None -layers merge "+wall_img)
run_command("gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri file:///"+wall_img)
for img in [img for img in os.listdir(curr_dir) if img.startswith("layer_")]:
def set_single_overlay(): # DEFAULT, read 1 line from "notes" file as specified above
resolution = get_value('identify -format "%wx%h" '+curr_wall).split("x")
w = str(int(int(resolution[0])/columns)-2*border)
h = str(int(resolution[1])-2*border)
layers = []
layer = curr_dir+"/"+"layer_1.png"
create_section(w+"x"+h, text_1, layer)
run_command("convert "+(" ").join(layers)+" "+"+append "+curr_dir+"/"+"layer_span.png")
wall_img = curr_dir+"/"+"walltext.jpg"
run_command("convert "+curr_wall+" "+curr_dir+"/"+"layer_span.png"+" -background None -layers merge "+wall_img)
run_command("gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri file:///"+wall_img)
for img in [img for img in os.listdir(curr_dir) if img.startswith("layer_")]:
print("Walltext started.")
print (curr_wall)
print (notes)
while True:
text_1 = random.choice(open(notes).readlines())
# text_2 = read_text(notes)
# if text_2 != text_1:
# set_overlay()