Samba wurde nach dem Upgrade auf 14.04 beim Booten zweimal gestartet


Der zweite Versuch führt zu einem Fehler:

Starting SMB/CIFS File and Active Directory Server[74G[[31mfail[39;49m]

Ich möchte herausfinden, woher der zweite Versuch kommt, und ihn entfernen.


 * Stopping Read required files in advance[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Mount filesystems on boot[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Populate and link to /run filesystem[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping Populate and link to /run filesystem[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping Track if upstart is running in a container[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Initialize or finalize resolvconf[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Signal sysvinit that virtual filesystems are mounted[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Signal sysvinit that virtual filesystems are mounted[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Bridge udev events into upstart[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Signal sysvinit that remote filesystems are mounted[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting device node and kernel event manager[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting load modules from /etc/modules[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting cold plug devices[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting log initial device creation[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping load modules from /etc/modules[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Uncomplicated firewall[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting configure network device security[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting configure network device[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Signal sysvinit that the rootfs is mounted[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting configure network device security[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Mount network filesystems[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping Mount network filesystems[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Bridge socket events into upstart[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Clean /tmp directory[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting configure network device[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting userspace bootsplash[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Send an event to indicate plymouth is up[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping Send an event to indicate plymouth is up[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping userspace bootsplash[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping Clean /tmp directory[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting SMB/CIFS File Server[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Signal sysvinit that local filesystems are mounted[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping Mount filesystems on boot[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Flush boot log to disk[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting flush early job output to logs[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping Failsafe Boot Delay[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Enabling additional executable binary formats[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting System V initialisation compatibility[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping Flush boot log to disk[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping cold plug devices[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting D-Bus system message bus[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping flush early job output to logs[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping log initial device creation[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting configure network device security[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting modem connection manager[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting configure network device security[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting save udev log and update rules[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting bluetooth daemon[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping save udev log and update rules[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting configure virtual network devices[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting Bridge file events into upstart[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting system logging daemon[74G[ OK ]
Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox
Skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.sbin.rsyslogd
 * Starting SystemD login management service[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting AppArmor profiles       [100G 
[94G[ OK ]
 * Setting up X socket directories...       [100G 
[94G[ OK ]
 * Stopping System V initialisation compatibility[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting System V runlevel compatibility[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting save kernel messages[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting anac(h)ronistic cron[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting regular background program processing daemon[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting deferred execution scheduler[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting CPU interrupts balancing daemon[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping save kernel messages[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting automatic crash report generation[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting network connection manager[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping crash report submission daemon[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping Restore Sound Card State[74G[ OK ]
 * Stopping anac(h)ronistic cron[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting SMB/CIFS File and Active Directory Server[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting ACPI daemon[74G[ OK ]
 * Starting SMB/CIFS File and Active Directory Server[74G[[31mfail[39;49m]

sudo initctl list start/running
nmbd start/running, process 1243
rsyslog start/running, process 685
tty4 start/running, process 788
udev start/running, process 268
upstart-udev-bridge start/running, process 262
vmware-tools start/running
mountall-net stop/waiting
passwd stop/waiting
rc stop/waiting
startpar-bridge stop/waiting
ureadahead-other stop/waiting
whoopsie stop/waiting
apport start/running
smbd start/running, process 517
systemd-logind start/running, process 750
tty5 start/running, process 793
console-setup stop/waiting
gpu-manager stop/waiting
hwclock-save stop/waiting
irqbalance stop/waiting
plymouth-log stop/waiting start/running
failsafe stop/waiting
rfkill-store stop/waiting
atd start/running, process 845
dbus start/running, process 559
resolvconf start/running
failsafe-x stop/waiting
mounted-var stop/waiting
plymouth-shutdown stop/waiting
plymouth stop/waiting
udev-fallback-graphics stop/waiting
usb-modeswitch-upstart stop/waiting start/running
network-manager start/running, process 869
control-alt-delete stop/waiting
hwclock stop/waiting
mounted-proc stop/waiting
alsa-store stop/waiting
setvtrgb stop/waiting
shutdown stop/waiting
vmware-tools-thinprint stop/waiting
cron start/running, process 846
lightdm start/running, process 923 start/running
alsa-restore stop/waiting
mountall stop/waiting
mounted-debugfs stop/waiting
binfmt-support start/running
console stop/waiting
mounted-run stop/waiting
acpid start/running, process 984
bluetooth start/running, process 586 start/running start/running start/running
ufw start/running
kmod stop/waiting
plymouth-stop stop/waiting
rcS stop/waiting
reload-smbd stop/waiting
wait-for-state stop/waiting start/running
flush-early-job-log stop/waiting
friendly-recovery stop/waiting
rc-sysinit stop/waiting
samba-ad-dc stop/waiting
upstart-socket-bridge start/running, process 395
pulseaudio stop/waiting start/running
tty2 start/running, process 799
upstart-file-bridge start/running, process 679
anacron stop/waiting
udevtrigger stop/waiting start/running
tty3 start/running, process 800
container-detect stop/waiting
mounted-dev stop/waiting
udev-finish stop/waiting
alsa-state stop/waiting
hostname stop/waiting
mountall-reboot stop/waiting
network-interface (lo) start/running
network-interface (eth0) start/running
tty1 start/running, process 1702
mountall-shell stop/waiting
mounted-tmp stop/waiting
plymouth-ready stop/waiting
plymouth-splash stop/waiting
plymouth-upstart-bridge stop/waiting
udevmonitor stop/waiting start/running
network-interface-security (network-manager) start/running
network-interface-security (network-interface/eth0) start/running
network-interface-security (network-interface/lo) start/running
network-interface-security (networking) start/running
networking start/running
tty6 start/running, process 803
dmesg stop/waiting
procps stop/waiting
rfkill-restore stop/waiting
console-font stop/waiting
network-interface-container stop/waiting
ureadahead stop/waiting

Entschuldigung, was? smbdund nmbdsind getrennte Dienste und können unabhängig voneinander starten. Was meinst du mit "der zweite Versuch führt zu einem Misserfolg"? Was willst du tun?

Es gibt zwei Einträge in boot.log für Samba, der zweite ist ein Fehler

Bearbeiten Sie Ihre Frage und fügen Sie die Ausgabe voninitctl list

Wo soll ich nach diesen Samba-Startversuchen suchen?



Standardmäßig werden zusätzlich zu smbd und nmbd Samba Active Directory- und Domänencontroller-Dienste gestartet. Für einen eigenständigen Server ist dies nicht erforderlich. Stellen Sie den Dienst einfach auf manuellen Start ein, um die Meldung [fail] mit der folgenden Anweisung als root zu entfernen:

echo manual | tee /etc/init/samba-ad-dc.override

Beachten Sie, dass der Befehl rechts von der |Pipe als Root ausgeführt werden muss. ( echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/samba-ad-dc.overridewird es schaffen, /etc/init/samba-ad-dc.overridezu existieren und manualals einzigen Inhalt zu haben, die Datei zu überschreiben, wenn sie bereits existiert. In einer Root-Shell echo manual > /etc/init/samba-ad-dc.overridewäre dies ausreichend. Außer in einer Root-Shell, sudo echo manual | tee /etc/init/samba-ad-dc.overridedie viele Leute für eine Eingabe halten würden, würde dies nicht der Fall sein Arbeit.)
Eliah Kagan


Es scheint, dass die oben genannte Methode upstartseit dem 15.04. Veraltet ist. Wenn systemdes verwendet wird, verwenden Sie stattdessen diese Methode:

sudo systemctl disable samba-ad-dc
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