Ich verwende Ubuntu 17.10 mit Gnome auf einem Asus-Laptop.
In der Benutzeroberfläche "Energieeinstellungen" finden Sie unten auf der Registerkarte "Energie" eine Option, mit der Sie festlegen können, was zu tun ist, wenn der Akku kritisch leer wird.
Wenn ich jedoch auf das Dropdown-Menü klicke, um diese Option festzulegen, wird nur eine Option angeboten: "Nichts tun":
Derzeit ist mein Laptop auf 0 oder fast leer und schaltet sich dann ohne Warnungen aus, ohne die Möglichkeit, Programme zu schließen und ordnungsgemäß herunterzufahren.
Ich hätte gerne eine Warnung, wenn der Akku 10% leer ist, und hoffentlich etwas Zeit, um Programme manuell zu speichern und herunterzufahren, bevor ich den Computer ausschalte. Wie erreiche ich das?
Bearbeiten: Hier ist der Inhalt meiner /etc/UPower/UPower.conf
# Only the system vendor should modify this file, ordinary users
# should not have to change anything.
# Enable the Watts Up Pro device.
# The Watts Up Pro contains a generic FTDI USB device without a specific
# vendor and product ID. When we probe for WUP devices, we can cause
# the user to get a perplexing "Device or resource busy" error when
# attempting to use their non-WUP device.
# The generic FTDI device is known to also be used on:
# - Sparkfun FT232 breakout board
# - Parallax Propeller
# default=false
# Don't poll the kernel for battery level changes.
# Some hardware will send us battery level changes through
# events, rather than us having to poll for it. This option
# allows disabling polling for hardware that sends out events.
# default=false
# Do we ignore the lid state
# Some laptops are broken. The lid state is either inverted, or stuck
# on or off. We can't do much to fix these problems, but this is a way
# for users to make the laptop panel vanish, a state that might be used
# by a couple of user-space daemons. On Linux systems, see also
# logind.conf(5).
# default=false
# Policy for warnings and action based on battery levels
# Whether battery percentage based policy should be used. The default
# is to use the time left, change to true to use the percentage, which
# should work around broken firmwares. It is also more reliable than
# the time left (frantically saving all your files is going to use more
# battery than letting it rest for example).
# default=true
# When UsePercentageForPolicy is true, the levels at which UPower will
# consider the battery low, critical, or take action for the critical
# battery level.
# This will also be used for batteries which don't have time information
# such as that of peripherals.
# If any value is invalid, or not in descending order, the defaults
# will be used.
# Defaults:
# PercentageLow=10
# PercentageCritical=3
# PercentageAction=2
# When UsePercentageForPolicy is false, the time remaining at which UPower
# will consider the battery low, critical, or take action for the critical
# battery level.
# If any value is invalid, or not in descending order, the defaults
# will be used.
# Defaults:
# TimeLow=1200
# TimeCritical=300
# TimeAction=120
# The action to take when "TimeAction" or "PercentageAction" above has been
# reached for the batteries (UPS or laptop batteries) supplying the computer
# Possible values are:
# PowerOff
# Hibernate
# HybridSleep
# If HybridSleep isn't available, Hibernate will be used
# If Hibernate isn't available, PowerOff will be used