Wie importiere ich Mesh-Animationen von cinema4d in Blender?


Ich muss eine Mesh-Animation aus Cinema4D in Blender importieren.

Ich habe versucht, dies mit Collada zu tun. Der Collada 1.3-Importer scheint nichts zu tun, der Collada 1.4-Importer scheint zu funktionieren, aber die Animation wurde nicht in Blender importiert.

Nachdem ich das gelesen habe Post Ich habe versucht, die Animationsknoten in den Collada-Dateien zu ändern, wie im Beitrag erläutert:

<library animation>
<library animation>

to this:

<library animation>
<library animation>

, aber das geht bei mir nicht. Ich erhalte eine Fehlermeldung, wenn die Datei analysiert wird.

Irgendwelche Hinweise auf So importieren Sie eine Mesh-Animation aus Cinema4D in Blender ?



Die Antwort hier scheint ziemlich klar zu sein, auch wenn ich nur einen kleinen Mixer benutze. Die XML ist ungültig. So sollte es wahrscheinlich aussehen (siehe unten). Ich kann sehen, wo die Verwendung von offenen Tags anstelle von geschlossenen Tags Parsing-Fehler auslösen würde. Dadurch werden Analysefehler entfernt, wenn die Bibliotheksanimation tatsächlich das Root-XML-Element ist.

<library animation>
</library animation>

Ich habe die Probe so gepostet, wie sie im cgsociety-Forum war. Ich habe die Tags tatsächlich geschlossen :) Der Import funktioniert in Blender 2.49 mit dem Collada 1.4.1-Importer immer noch nicht. Blender 2.50 importiert Collada mit Animation, aber nicht alle Animationseigenschaften (Übersetzung, Drehung, Skalierung) werden ordnungsgemäß importiert.
George Profenza


Am Ende habe ich installiert Py4D da ich kaum brauchbare C.O.F.F.E.E. Dokumentation.

Ich musste Animation auf Punktebene und Morph-Tag-Animation in Blender exportieren, also schrieb ich ein kleines Skript, das das erledigt.

import c4d
from c4d import documents,UVWTag
from c4d.utils import Deg
from c4d import symbols as sy, plugins, utils, bitmaps, gui
import math

def BlenderExport():
    if not op: return
    if op.GetType() != 5100:
        print 'Selected Object is not an editable mesh'
    unit = 0.001#for scale
    foffset = 1#for frames
    bd = doc.GetRenderBaseDraw()
    scr = bd.GetFrameScreen()
    rd = doc.GetActiveRenderData()
    sizeX = int(rd[sy.RDATA_XRES_VIRTUAL])
    sizeY = int(rd[sy.RDATA_YRES_VIRTUAL])
    name  = op.GetName()
    fps   = doc.GetFps()
    sFrame= doc.GetMinTime().GetFrame(fps)
    eFrame= doc.GetMaxTime().GetFrame(fps)
    code  = 'import Blender\nfrom Blender import *\nimport bpy\nfrom Blender.Mathutils import *\n\nscn = bpy.data.scenes.active\ncontext=scn.getRenderingContext()\ncontext.fps = '+str(fps)+'\ncontext.sFrame = '+str(sFrame)+'\ncontext.eFrame = '+str(eFrame)+'\ncontext.sizeX = '+str(sizeX)+'\ncontext.sizeY = ' + str(sizeY) + '\n'

    def GetMesh(code):
        # goto 0
        doc.SetTime(c4d.BaseTime(0, fps))

        code      += 'editmode = Window.EditMode()\nif editmode:\tWindow.EditMode(0)\n'
        coords4D   = op.GetPointAll()
        coords     = 'coords = ['
        uvw        = 0
        uvs        = 'uvs = ['
        for tag in op.GetTags():
            if tag.GetName() == "UVW":
                uvw = tag
        for c in coords4D:
            coords += '['+str(c.x*unit)+','+str(c.z*unit)+','+str(c.y*unit)+'],'
        coords     = coords.rpartition(',')[0] + ']\n'
        faces4D    = op.GetAllPolygons()
        fcount     = 0
        faces      = 'faces = ['
        for f in faces4D:
            faces  += '['+str(f)+'],'
            uv = uvw.Get(fcount);
            uvs  += '[Vector('+str(uv[0].x)+','+str(1.0-uv[0].y)+'),Vector('+str(uv[1].x)+','+str(1.0-uv[1].y)+'),Vector('+str(uv[2].x)+','+str(1.0-uv[2].y)+')],'
            fcount += 1

        faces      = faces.rpartition(',')[0] + ']\n'
        uvs        = uvs.rpartition(',')[0] + ']\n'

        code       = code + coords + faces + uvs
        code      += "c4dmesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('"+name+"_mesh')\nc4dmesh.verts.extend(coords)\nc4dmesh.faces.extend(faces)\n\nob = scn.objects.new(c4dmesh,'"+name+"_obj')\nc4dmesh.flipNormals()\n\nif editmode:\tWindow.EditMode(1)\n\n"
        code      += "c4dmesh.quadToTriangle()\nc4dmesh.addUVLayer('c4duv')\n"
        code      += "for f in range(0,"+str(fcount)+"):\n\tc4dmesh.faces[f].uv = uvs[f]\n"

        return code

    def GetIPOKeys(code):
        # store properties for tracks
        tracks   = op.GetCTracks()
        # 0,1,2 = Position, 3,4,5 = Scale, 6,7,8 = Rotation, 9 = PLA
        # props = [[lx,f],[ly,f],[lz,f],[sx,f],[sy,f],[sz,f],[rx,f],[ry,f],[rz,f]]
            props = []
            trackIDs = [3,4,5,6,7,8,0,2,1]
            propVals = ['LocX','LocZ','LocY','SizeX','SizeY','SizeZ','RotZ','RotX','RotY']
            propIPOs = ['Ipo.OB_LOCX','Ipo.OB_LOCZ','Ipo.OB_LOCY','Ipo.OB_SCALEX','Ipo.OB_SCALEY','Ipo.OB_SCALEY','Ipo.OB_ROTZ','Ipo.OB_ROTX','Ipo.OB_ROTY']
            for t in range(0,9):
                curve    = tracks[t].GetCurve()
                keyCount = curve.GetKeyCount()
                for k in range(0,keyCount):  
                        key   = curve.GetKey(k)
            # find the max key
            maxProp = max(enumerate(props), key = lambda tup: len(tup[1]))[1][1]
            maxKeys = len(maxProp)
            # loop through tracks and keys
            for key in range(0,maxKeys):
                code += "Blender.Set('curframe',"+str(maxProp[key])+")\n"
                for track in trackIDs:
                    if(key < len(props[track][0])):
                        code += "ob."+propVals[track] + " = " + str(props[track][0][key]) + '\n'
                        code += 'key = ob.insertIpoKey(' + propIPOs[track] + ')\n'
        return code
    #     mesh/morph animation -> mesh always has the same number of verts
    def GetShapeKeys(code):
        track = 0;
        tracks = op.GetCTracks()
        for t in tracks:
            if(t.GetName() == 'PLA'):   track = t
        # track    = op.GetCTracks()[9]    
        if track != 0:
            curve    = track.GetCurve()
            keyCount = curve.GetKeyCount()
            verts    = []
            frames   = []
            vertsNum  = op.GetPointCount()
            ctime = doc.GetTime()

            for k in range(1,keyCount):
                key = curve.GetKey(k)
                c4d.DrawViews( c4d.DA_ONLY_ACTIVE_VIEW|c4d.DA_NO_THREAD|c4d.DA_NO_REDUCTION|c4d.DA_STATICBREAK )
                c4dvecs = op.GetPointAll();
                blendvecs = []
                for v in c4dvecs:

            code += '\n\n# shape keys\nverts = ' + str(verts) + '\n'
            code += "if(ob.activeShape == 0):\n\tob.insertShapeKey()\n\n"
            for f in range(0,len(frames)):
                kNum = str(f+1)
                code += "if editmode:   Window.EditMode(0)\n"
                code += "for v in range(0,"+str(vertsNum)+"):\n\tc4dmesh.verts[v].co.x = verts["+str(f)+"][v][0]\n\tc4dmesh.verts[v].co.y = verts["+str(f)+"][v][1]\n\tc4dmesh.verts[v].co.z = verts["+str(f)+"][v][2]\n"
                code += "c4dmesh.calcNormals()\n"
                code += "ob.insertShapeKey()\n"
                code += "if editmode:   Window.EditMode(1)\n"
                code += "shapeKey = ob.getData().getKey()\n"
                code += "newIpo = Ipo.New('Key','newIpo')\n"
                code += "if(shapeKey.ipo == None):   shapeKey.ipo = newIpo\n"
                code += "if(shapeKey.ipo['Key "+kNum+"'] == None):   shapeKey.ipo.addCurve('Key "+kNum+"')\n"
                if(f == 0):  code += "shapeKey.ipo['Key "+kNum+"'].append(BezTriple.New(1.0,0.0,0.0))\n"
                if(f > 0):  code += "shapeKey.ipo['Key "+kNum+"'].append(BezTriple.New("+str(float(frames[f-1]))+",0.0,0.0))\n"
                code += "shapeKey.ipo['Key "+kNum+"'].append(BezTriple.New("+str(float(frames[f]))+",1.0,0.0))\n"
            #no PLA tracks, look for morph tag
            vertsNum  = op.GetPointCount()
            for tag in op.GetTags():
                if tag.GetType() == 1019633:
                    # print tag[sy.MORPHTAG_MORPHS]
                    work around
                    1. store first key for each track curve
                    2. set the first key value to 1 for the 1st track and 0 for the others
                    3. store the mesh vertices -> track name verts = []
                    4. after all track verts are stored, restore the original values
                    5. write the the curve keys for blender shape keys
                    code += "if(ob.activeShape == 0):\n\tob.insertShapeKey()\n\n"
                    tc = 0
                    tcs = str(tc+1)
                    for track in tag.GetCTracks():
                        curve = track.GetCurve()
                        value = curve.GetKey(0).GetValue()
                        print track.GetName()
                        doc.SetTime(c4d.BaseTime(0, fps))
                        c4d.DrawViews( c4d.DA_ONLY_ACTIVE_VIEW|c4d.DA_NO_THREAD|c4d.DA_NO_REDUCTION|c4d.DA_STATICBREAK )
                        c4dvecs = op.GetPointAll();
                        blendverts = []
                        for v in c4dvecs:
                        code += "Key"+tcs+"verts = " + str(blendverts)+"\n"
                        code += "if editmode:   Window.EditMode(0)\n"
                        code += "for v in range(0,"+str(vertsNum)+"):\n\tc4dmesh.verts[v].co.x = Key"+tcs+"verts[v][0]\n\tc4dmesh.verts[v].co.y = Key"+tcs+"verts[v][1]\n\tc4dmesh.verts[v].co.z = Key"+tcs+"verts[v][2]\n"
                        code += "c4dmesh.calcNormals()\n"
                        code += "ob.insertShapeKey()\n"
                        code += "if editmode:   Window.EditMode(1)\n"
                        code += "shapeKey = ob.getData().getKey()\n"
                        code += "newIpo = Ipo.New('Key','newIpo')\n"
                        code += "if(shapeKey.ipo == None):   shapeKey.ipo = newIpo\n"
                        code += "if(shapeKey.ipo['Key "+tcs+"'] == None):   shapeKey.ipo.addCurve('Key "+tcs+"')\n"
                        print op.GetPointAll()
                        keyCount = curve.GetKeyCount()
                        for k in range(0,keyCount):
                            key = curve.GetKey(k)
                            value = key.GetValue()
                            frame = key.GetTime().GetFrame(fps)
                            code += "shapeKey.ipo['Key "+tcs+"'].append(BezTriple.New("+str(float(frame))+","+str(value)+",0.0))\n"
                        tc += 1
                        tcs = str(tc+1)

        return code

    def GetCamera(code):
        bd = doc.GetRenderBaseDraw()
        cp = bd.GetSceneCamera(doc)
        if cp is None: cp = bd.GetEditorCamera()
        fov = Deg(cp[sy.CAMERAOBJECT_FOV])
        pos = cp.GetPos()
        rot = cp.GetRot()
        code += "\nc4dCam = Camera.New('persp','c4d_"+cp.GetName()+"')\nc4dCam.drawPassepartout = True\nc4dCam.alpha = 0.5\nc4dCam.drawLimits = 1\nc4dCam.dofDist = 100.0\n"
        code += "c4dCam.angle = "+str(fov)+"\nc4dCamLens = c4dCam.lens\nc4dCam.lens = c4dCamLens\nWindow.RedrawAll()\nc4dCamObj = scn.objects.new(c4dCam)\n"
        code += "c4dCamObj.setLocation("+str([pos.x,pos.z,pos.y])+")\n"
        code += "c4dCamObj.setEuler("+str([rot.x+(math.pi*.5),rot.y,rot.z])+")\n"
        code += "scn.setCurrentCamera(c4dCamObj)\n"
        return code

    code = GetMesh(code)
    code = GetIPOKeys(code)
    code = GetShapeKeys(code)
    code = GetCamera(code)

    file = open(doc.GetDocumentPath()+'/'+op.GetName()+'_export.py','w')


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