Wenn der erwartete Wert von G a m m a ( α , β )
Die Parametrisierung, die ich verwende, ist die Formrate.
Wenn der erwartete Wert von G a m m a ( α , β )
Die Parametrisierung, die ich verwende, ist die Formrate.
Dies kann (vielleicht überraschend) mit einfachen Elementaroperationen durchgeführt werden (unter Verwendung von Richard Feynmans Lieblingstrick der Differenzierung unter dem Integralzeichen in Bezug auf einen Parameter).
We are supposing X
After this simplification, the probability element of X
where Γ(α)
Substituting x=ey,
The possible values of Y
Because fY
Notice fY(y)
The next step exploits the relation obtained by dividing both sides of this identity by Γ(α),
the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function (aka "polygamma"). The integral was computed using identity (1).
Re-introducing the factor β
for a scale parameterization (where the density function depends on x/β
for a rate parameterization (where the density function depends on xβ
The answer by @whuber is quite nice; I will essentially restate his answer in a more general form which connects (in my opinion) better with statistical theory, and which makes clear the power of the overall technique.
Consider a family of distributions {Fθ:θ∈Θ}
∫fθ(x) dx=1
We now show this helps us compute the require expectation. We can write the gamma density with fixed β