Dies ist ein Nachtrag zu @ Macros sehr netter Antwort, die genau beschreibt, was bekannt sein muss, um die Varianz des Produkts zweier korrelierter Zufallsvariablen zu bestimmen. Seit
E[X2], and
E[Y2] can be assumed to
be known quantities, we need to be able to determine the value of
E[X2Y2] in
(2) or
cov(X2,Y2) in
This is not easy to do in general, but, as pointed out already, if
X and
Y are
independent random variables, then
cov(X,Y)=cov(X2,Y2)=0cov(X,Y)0E[X2Y2] or
cov(X2,Y2) even though it
does simplify the right sides of
(2) and
(3) a little.
When X and Y are dependent
random variables, then in at least one (fairly common
or fairly important) special
case, it is possible to find
the value of E[X2Y2] relatively easily.
Suppose that X and Y are jointly normal random variables
with correlation coefficient ρ. Then, conditioned
on X=x, the conditional density of Y is a normal
density with mean
E[Y]+ρvar(Y)var(X)−−−−−√(x−E[X]) and variance var(Y)(1−ρ2). Thus,
which is a
quartic function of
X, say
g(X), and the Law of Iterated
Expectation tells us that
where the right side of
(4) can be computed from knowledge of the
3rd and 4th moments of
X -- standard results that can be found
in many texts and reference books
(meaning that I am too lazy to look them up
and include them in this answer).
Further addendum: In a now-deleted answer, @Hydrologist gives the variance of XY as
and claims that this formula is from two papers published a half-century ago in JASA. This formula is an incorrect transcription of the results in the paper(s) cited by Hydrologist. Specifically,
Cov[x2,y2] is a mistranscription of
E[(x−E[x])2(y−E[y])2] in the journal article, and similarly for
Cov[x2,y] and