Ich hatte das gleiche Problem beim Versuch, ein Go-Programm nach C # zu portieren. Dies bedeutet, dass viele Daten bereits mit dem Go-Programm verschlüsselt wurden. Diese Daten müssen jetzt mit C # entschlüsselt werden.
Die endgültige Lösung war PaddingMode.None
oder eher PaddingMode.Zeros
Die kryptografischen Methoden in Go:
import (
func decryptFile(filename string, saltBytes []byte, masterPassword []byte) (artifact string) {
const (
keyLength int = 256
rfc2898Iterations int = 6
var (
encryptedBytesBase64 []byte // The encrypted bytes as base64 chars
encryptedBytes []byte // The encrypted bytes
// Load an encrypted file:
if bytes, bytesErr := ioutil.ReadFile(filename); bytesErr != nil {
log.Printf("[%s] There was an error while reading the encrypted file: %s\n", filename, bytesErr.Error())
} else {
encryptedBytesBase64 = bytes
// Decode base64:
decodedBytes := make([]byte, len(encryptedBytesBase64))
if countDecoded, decodedErr := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(decodedBytes, encryptedBytesBase64); decodedErr != nil {
log.Printf("[%s] An error occur while decoding base64 data: %s\n", filename, decodedErr.Error())
} else {
encryptedBytes = decodedBytes[:countDecoded]
// Derive key and vector out of the master password and the salt cf. RFC 2898:
keyVectorData := pbkdf2.Key(masterPassword, saltBytes, rfc2898Iterations, (keyLength/8)+aes.BlockSize, sha1.New)
keyBytes := keyVectorData[:keyLength/8]
vectorBytes := keyVectorData[keyLength/8:]
// Create an AES cipher:
if aesBlockDecrypter, aesErr := aes.NewCipher(keyBytes); aesErr != nil {
log.Printf("[%s] Was not possible to create new AES cipher: %s\n", filename, aesErr.Error())
} else {
// CBC mode always works in whole blocks.
if len(encryptedBytes)%aes.BlockSize != 0 {
log.Printf("[%s] The encrypted data's length is not a multiple of the block size.\n", filename)
// Reserve memory for decrypted data. By definition (cf. AES-CBC), it must be the same lenght as the encrypted data:
decryptedData := make([]byte, len(encryptedBytes))
// Create the decrypter:
aesDecrypter := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(aesBlockDecrypter, vectorBytes)
// Decrypt the data:
aesDecrypter.CryptBlocks(decryptedData, encryptedBytes)
// Cast the decrypted data to string:
artifact = string(decryptedData)
... und ...
import (
func encryptFile(filename, artifact string, masterPassword []byte) (status bool) {
const (
keyLength int = 256
rfc2898Iterations int = 6
status = false
secretBytesDecrypted := []byte(artifact)
// Create new salt:
saltBytes := uuid.NewV4().Bytes()
// Derive key and vector out of the master password and the salt cf. RFC 2898:
keyVectorData := pbkdf2.Key(masterPassword, saltBytes, rfc2898Iterations, (keyLength/8)+aes.BlockSize, sha1.New)
keyBytes := keyVectorData[:keyLength/8]
vectorBytes := keyVectorData[keyLength/8:]
// Create an AES cipher:
if aesBlockEncrypter, aesErr := aes.NewCipher(keyBytes); aesErr != nil {
log.Printf("[%s] Was not possible to create new AES cipher: %s\n", filename, aesErr.Error())
} else {
// CBC mode always works in whole blocks.
if len(secretBytesDecrypted)%aes.BlockSize != 0 {
numberNecessaryBlocks := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(secretBytesDecrypted)) / float64(aes.BlockSize)))
enhanced := make([]byte, numberNecessaryBlocks*aes.BlockSize)
copy(enhanced, secretBytesDecrypted)
secretBytesDecrypted = enhanced
// Reserve memory for encrypted data. By definition (cf. AES-CBC), it must be the same lenght as the plaintext data:
encryptedData := make([]byte, len(secretBytesDecrypted))
// Create the encrypter:
aesEncrypter := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(aesBlockEncrypter, vectorBytes)
// Encrypt the data:
aesEncrypter.CryptBlocks(encryptedData, secretBytesDecrypted)
// Encode base64:
encodedBytes := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(encryptedData)))
base64.StdEncoding.Encode(encodedBytes, encryptedData)
// Allocate memory for the final file's content:
fileContent := make([]byte, len(saltBytes))
copy(fileContent, saltBytes)
fileContent = append(fileContent, 10)
fileContent = append(fileContent, encodedBytes...)
// Write the data into a new file. This ensures, that at least the old version is healthy in case that the
// computer hangs while writing out the file. After a successfully write operation, the old file could be
// deleted and the new one could be renamed.
if writeErr := ioutil.WriteFile(filename+"-update.txt", fileContent, 0644); writeErr != nil {
log.Printf("[%s] Was not able to write out the updated file: %s\n", filename, writeErr.Error())
} else {
if renameErr := os.Rename(filename+"-update.txt", filename); renameErr != nil {
log.Printf("[%s] Was not able to rename the updated file: %s\n", fileContent, renameErr.Error())
} else {
status = true
Jetzt Entschlüsselung in C #:
public static string FromFile(string filename, byte[] saltBytes, string masterPassword)
var iterations = 6;
var keyLength = 256;
var blockSize = 128;
var result = string.Empty;
var encryptedBytesBase64 = File.ReadAllBytes(filename);
// bytes -> string:
var encryptedBytesBase64String = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(encryptedBytesBase64);
// Decode base64:
var encryptedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedBytesBase64String);
var keyVectorObj = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(masterPassword, saltBytes.Length, iterations);
keyVectorObj.Salt = saltBytes;
Span<byte> keyVectorData = keyVectorObj.GetBytes(keyLength / 8 + blockSize / 8);
var key = keyVectorData.Slice(0, keyLength / 8);
var iv = keyVectorData.Slice(keyLength / 8);
var aes = Aes.Create();
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;
// or ... aes.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
var decryptor = aes.CreateDecryptor(key.ToArray(), iv.ToArray());
var decryptedString = string.Empty;
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(encryptedBytes))
using (var cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
using (var reader = new StreamReader(cryptoStream))
decryptedString = reader.ReadToEnd();
return result;
Wie kann das Problem mit der Polsterung erklärt werden? Kurz vor der Verschlüsselung überprüft das Go-Programm die Auffüllung:
// CBC mode always works in whole blocks.
if len(secretBytesDecrypted)%aes.BlockSize != 0 {
numberNecessaryBlocks := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(secretBytesDecrypted)) / float64(aes.BlockSize)))
enhanced := make([]byte, numberNecessaryBlocks*aes.BlockSize)
copy(enhanced, secretBytesDecrypted)
secretBytesDecrypted = enhanced
Der wichtige Teil ist folgender:
enhanced := make([]byte, numberNecessaryBlocks*aes.BlockSize)
copy(enhanced, secretBytesDecrypted)
Ein neues Array mit einer geeigneten Länge wird erstellt, sodass die Länge ein Vielfaches der Blockgröße beträgt. Dieses neue Array ist mit Nullen gefüllt. Die Kopiermethode kopiert dann die vorhandenen Daten hinein. Es wird sichergestellt, dass das neue Array größer als die vorhandenen Daten ist. Dementsprechend befinden sich am Ende des Arrays Nullen.
Somit kann der C # -Code verwendet werden PaddingMode.Zeros
. Die Alternative PaddingMode.None
ignoriert einfach jede Polsterung, die auch funktioniert. Ich hoffe, diese Antwort ist hilfreich für alle, die Code von Go to C # usw. portieren müssen.