Ich bin neu in der Welt der SAT-Löser und benötige eine Anleitung zum folgenden Problem.
Bedenkt, dass:
❶ Ich habe eine Auswahl von 14 benachbarten Zellen in einem 4 * 4-Raster
❷ Ich habe 5 Polyominoes (A, B, C, D, E) der Größen 4, 2, 5, 2 und 1
❸ Diese Polyominoes sind frei , dh ihre Form ist nicht festgelegt und kann unterschiedliche Muster bilden
Wie kann ich mit einem SAT-Solver alle möglichen Kombinationen dieser 5 freien Polyominoes innerhalb des ausgewählten Bereichs (Zellen in Grau) berechnen ?
Aus der aufschlussreichen Antwort von @ spinkus und der Dokumentation zu den OP-Tools konnte ich den folgenden Beispielcode erstellen (läuft in einem Jupyter-Notizbuch):
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
import numpy as np
import more_itertools as mit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
W, H = 4, 4 #Dimensions of grid
sizes = (4, 2, 5, 2, 1) #Size of each polyomino
labels = np.arange(len(sizes)) #Label of each polyomino
colors = ('#FA5454', '#21D3B6', '#3384FA', '#FFD256', '#62ECFA')
cdict = dict(zip(labels, colors)) #Color dictionary for plotting
inactiveCells = (0, 1) #Indices of disabled cells (in 1D)
activeCells = set(np.arange(W*H)).difference(inactiveCells) #Cells where polyominoes can be fitted
ranges = [(next(g), list(g)[-1]) for g in mit.consecutive_groups(activeCells)] #All intervals in the stack of active cells
def main():
model = cp_model.CpModel()
#Create an Int var for each cell of each polyomino constrained to be within Width and Height of grid.
pminos = [[] for s in sizes]
for idx, s in enumerate(sizes):
for i in range(s):
pminos[idx].append([model.NewIntVar(0, W-1, 'p%i'%idx + 'c%i'%i + 'x'), model.NewIntVar(0, H-1, 'p%i'%idx + 'c%i'%i + 'y')])
#Define the shapes by constraining the cells relative to each other
## 1st polyomino -> tetromino ##
# #
# #
# # #
# ### #
# #
p0 = pminos[0]
model.Add(p0[1][0] == p0[0][0] + 1) #'x' of 2nd cell == 'x' of 1st cell + 1
model.Add(p0[2][0] == p0[1][0] + 1) #'x' of 3rd cell == 'x' of 2nd cell + 1
model.Add(p0[3][0] == p0[0][0] + 1) #'x' of 4th cell == 'x' of 1st cell + 1
model.Add(p0[1][1] == p0[0][1]) #'y' of 2nd cell = 'y' of 1st cell
model.Add(p0[2][1] == p0[1][1]) #'y' of 3rd cell = 'y' of 2nd cell
model.Add(p0[3][1] == p0[1][1] - 1) #'y' of 3rd cell = 'y' of 2nd cell - 1
## 2nd polyomino -> domino ##
# #
# #
# # #
# # #
# #
p1 = pminos[1]
model.Add(p1[1][0] == p1[0][0])
model.Add(p1[1][1] == p1[0][1] + 1)
## 3rd polyomino -> pentomino ##
# #
# ## #
# ## #
# # #
# #
p2 = pminos[2]
model.Add(p2[1][0] == p2[0][0] + 1)
model.Add(p2[2][0] == p2[0][0])
model.Add(p2[3][0] == p2[0][0] + 1)
model.Add(p2[4][0] == p2[0][0])
model.Add(p2[1][1] == p2[0][1])
model.Add(p2[2][1] == p2[0][1] + 1)
model.Add(p2[3][1] == p2[0][1] + 1)
model.Add(p2[4][1] == p2[0][1] + 2)
## 4th polyomino -> domino ##
# #
# #
# # #
# # #
# #
p3 = pminos[3]
model.Add(p3[1][0] == p3[0][0])
model.Add(p3[1][1] == p3[0][1] + 1)
## 5th polyomino -> monomino ##
# #
# #
# # #
# #
# #
#No constraints because 1 cell only
#No blocks can overlap:
block_addresses = []
n = 0
for p in pminos:
for c in p:
n += 1
block_address = model.NewIntVarFromDomain(cp_model.Domain.FromIntervals(ranges),'%i' % n)
model.Add(c[0] + c[1] * W == block_address)
#Solve and print solutions as we find them
solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
solution_printer = SolutionPrinter(pminos)
status = solver.SearchForAllSolutions(model, solution_printer)
print('Status = %s' % solver.StatusName(status))
print('Number of solutions found: %i' % solution_printer.count)
class SolutionPrinter(cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback):
''' Print a solution. '''
def __init__(self, variables):
self.variables = variables
self.count = 0
def on_solution_callback(self):
self.count += 1
plt.figure(figsize = (2, 2))
plt.yticks(np.arange(0, H, 1.0))
plt.xticks(np.arange(0, W, 1.0))
for i, p in enumerate(self.variables):
for c in p:
x = self.Value(c[0])
y = self.Value(c[1])
rect = plt.Rectangle((x, y), 1, 1, fc = cdict[i])
for i in inactiveCells:
x = i%W
y = i//W
rect = plt.Rectangle((x, y), 1, 1, fc = 'None', hatch = '///')
Das Problem ist, dass ich 5 eindeutige / feste Polyominos fest codiert habe und nicht weiß, wie ich die Einschränkungen definieren soll, damit jedes mögliche Muster für jedes Polyomino berücksichtigt wird (sofern dies möglich ist).
mit einer detaillierten Antwort, die meinen vorherigen Vorschlag zur Verwendung abdeckt minizinc