Sie können Ihren eigenen Wörterbuch-Wrapper erstellen, so etwas wie diesen. Als Bonus unterstützt er den Nullwert als Schlüssel:
/// <summary>
/// Dictionary which supports duplicates and null entries
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TKey">Type of key</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TValue">Type of items</typeparam>
public class OpenDictionary<TKey, TValue>
private readonly Lazy<List<TValue>> _nullStorage = new Lazy<List<TValue>>(
() => new List<TValue>());
private readonly Dictionary<TKey, List<TValue>> _innerDictionary =
new Dictionary<TKey, List<TValue>>();
/// <summary>
/// Get all entries
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<TValue> Values =>
.SelectMany(x => x)
/// <summary>
/// Add an item
/// </summary>
public OpenDictionary<TKey, TValue> Add(TKey key, TValue item)
if (ReferenceEquals(key, null))
if (!_innerDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
_innerDictionary.Add(key, new List<TValue>());
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Remove an entry by key
/// </summary>
public OpenDictionary<TKey, TValue> RemoveEntryByKey(TKey key, TValue entry)
if (ReferenceEquals(key, null))
int targetIdx = _nullStorage.Value.FindIndex(x => x.Equals(entry));
if (targetIdx < 0)
return this;
if (!_innerDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
return this;
List<TValue> targetChain = _innerDictionary[key];
if (targetChain.Count == 0)
return this;
int targetIdx = targetChain.FindIndex(x => x.Equals(entry));
if (targetIdx < 0)
return this;
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Remove all entries by key
/// </summary>
public OpenDictionary<TKey, TValue> RemoveAllEntriesByKey(TKey key)
if (ReferenceEquals(key, null))
if (_nullStorage.IsValueCreated)
if (_innerDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
return this;
/// <summary>
/// Try get entries by key
/// </summary>
public bool TryGetEntries(TKey key, out IReadOnlyList<TValue> entries)
entries = null;
if (ReferenceEquals(key, null))
if (_nullStorage.IsValueCreated)
entries = _nullStorage.Value;
return true;
else return false;
if (_innerDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
entries = _innerDictionary[key];
return true;
else return false;
Das Verwendungsbeispiel:
var dictionary = new OpenDictionary<string, int>();
dictionary.Add("1", 1);
// The next line won't throw an exception;
dictionary.Add("1", 2);
dictionary.TryGetEntries("1", out List<int> result);
// result is { 1, 2 }
dictionary.Add(null, 42);
dictionary.Add(null, 24);
dictionary.TryGetEntries(null, out List<int> result);
// result is { 42, 24 }