Ich stimme der besten Antwort zu, möchte aber auch etwas hinzufügen. Ich verwende ein ANT-Skript, um Dateien aus dem GIT-Repo zu entfernen und zu ändern, sodass ich sicher bin, dass keine Produktionsdateien überschrieben werden. In ANT gibt es eine nette Option, um Java-Eigenschaftendateien zu ändern. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie Ihre lokalen Testvariablen in eine Eigenschaftendatei im Java-Stil einfügen und Code hinzufügen, um sie zu verarbeiten. Sie haben jedoch die Möglichkeit, die Erstellung Ihrer Site zu automatisieren, bevor Sie sie online per FTP übertragen. Normalerweise fügen Sie Ihre Produktionsinformationen in die Datei site.default.properties ein und lassen ANT die Einstellungen verwalten. Ihre lokalen Einstellungen befinden sich in den site.local.properties.
* This class will read one or two files with JAVA style property files. For instance site.local.properties & site.default.properties
* This will enable developers to make config files for their personal development environment, while maintaining a config file for
* the production site.
* Hint: use ANT to build the site and use the ANT <propertyfile> command to change some parameters while building.
* @author martin
class javaPropertyFileReader {
private $_properties;
private $_validFile;
* Constructor
* @return javaPropertyFileReader
public function __construct(){
$this->_validFile = false;
return $this;
* Reads one or both Java style property files
* @param String $filenameDefaults
* @param String $filenameLocal
* @throws Exception
* @return javaPropertyFileReader
public function readFile($filenameDefaults, $filenameLocal = ""){
if ($filenameLocal != "") $this->handleFile($filenameLocal);
* This private function will do all the work of reading the file and setting up the properties
* @param String $filename
* @throws Exception
* @return javaPropertyFileReader
private function handleFile($filename){
$file = @file_get_contents($filename);
if ($file === false) {
throw (New Exception("Cannot open property file: " . $filename, "01"));
else {
# indicate a valid file was opened
$this->_validFile = true;
// if file is Windows style, remove the carriage returns
$file = str_replace("\r", "", $file);
// split file into array : one line for each record
$lines = explode("\n", $file);
// cycle lines from file
foreach ($lines as $line){
$line = trim($line);
if (substr($line, 0,1) == "#" || $line == "") {
#skip comment line
// create a property via an associative array
$parts = explode("=", $line);
$varName = trim($parts[0]);
$value = trim($parts[1]);
// assign property
$this->_properties[$varName] = $value;
}// for each line in a file
return $this;
* This function will retrieve the value of a property from the property list.
* @param String $propertyName
* @throws Exception
* @return NULL or value of requested property
function getProperty($propertyName){
if (!$this->_validFile) throw (new Exception("No file opened", "03"));
if (key_exists($propertyName, $this->_properties)){
return $this->_properties[$propertyName];
return NULL;
* This function will retreive an array of properties beginning with a certain prefix.
* @param String $propertyPrefix
* @param Boolean $caseSensitive
* @throws Exception
* @return Array
function getPropertyArray($propertyPrefix, $caseSensitive = true){
if (!$this->_validFile) throw (new Exception("No file opened", "03"));
$res = array();
if (! $caseSensitive) $propertyPrefix= strtolower($propertyPrefix);
foreach ($this->_properties as $key => $prop){
$l = strlen($propertyPrefix);
if (! $caseSensitive) $key = strtolower($key);
if (substr($key, 0, $l ) == $propertyPrefix) $res[$key] = $prop;
}//for each proprty
return $res;
function createDefineFromProperty($propertyName){
$propValue = $this->getProperty($propertyName);
define($propertyName, $propValue);
* This will create a number of 'constants' (DEFINE) from an array of properties that have a certain prefix.
* An exception is thrown if
* @param String $propertyPrefix
* @throws Exception
* @return Array The array of found properties is returned.
function createDefinesFromProperties($propertyPrefix){
// find properties
$props = $this->getPropertyArray($propertyPrefix);
// cycle all properties
foreach($props as $key => $prop){
// check for a valid define name
if (preg_match("'[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*'", $key)) {
define($key, $prop);
throw (new Exception("Invalid entry in property file: cannot create define for {" . $key . "}", "04"));
}// for each property found
return $props;
}//class javaPropertyFileReader
dann benutze es:
$props = new javaPropertyFileReader();
$props->readFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/lib/site.default.properties",$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/lib/site.local.properties");
#create one DEFINE
# create a number of DEFINEs for enabled modules
$modules = $props->createDefinesFromProperties("mod_enabled_");
Ihre site.default.properties würde folgendermaßen aussehen:
# Available Modules
und Ihre site.local.properties würden folgendermaßen aussehen (beachten Sie die unterschiedliche Umgebung und die aktivierten Module):
# Available Modules
Und Ihre ANT-Anweisungen: ($ d {deploy} ist Ihr Bereitstellungszielverzeichnis)
comment="Site properties">
<entry key="environment" value="PROD"/>
<entry key="release-date" type="date" value="now" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmm"/>