Am Ende habe ich meine eigene E-Mail-Sende- / Kodierungsfunktion geschrieben. Dies hat für mich beim Senden von PDF-Anhängen gut funktioniert. Ich habe die anderen Funktionen in der Produktion nicht verwendet.
Hinweis: Obwohl die Spezifikation sehr deutlich macht, dass Sie \ r \ n verwenden müssen, um Header zu trennen, hat es nur funktioniert, wenn ich PHP_EOL verwendet habe. Ich habe dies nur unter Linux getestet. YMMV
# $args must be an associative array
# required keys: from, to, body
# body can be a string or a [tree of] associative arrays. See examples below
# optional keys: subject, reply_to, cc, bcc
# # text-only email:
# email2(array(
# 'from' => '',
# 'to' => '',
# 'subject' => 'test',
# # body will be text/plain because we're passing a string that doesn't start with '<'
# 'body' => 'Hi, testing 1 2 3',
# ));
# # html-only email
# email2(array(
# 'from' => '',
# 'to' => '',
# 'subject' => 'test',
# # body will be text/html because we're passing a string that starts with '<'
# 'body' => '<h1>Hi!</h1>I like <a href="">cheese</a>',
# ));
# # text-only email (explicitly, in case first character is dynamic or something)
# email2(array(
# 'from' => '',
# 'to' => '',
# 'subject' => 'test',
# # body will be text/plain because we're passing a string that doesn't start with '<'
# 'body' => array(
# 'type' => 'text',
# 'body' => $message_text,
# )
# ));
# # email with text and html alternatives (auto-detected mime types)
# email2(array(
# 'from' => '',
# 'to' => '',
# 'subject' => 'test',
# 'body' => array(
# 'type' => 'alternatives',
# 'body' => array(
# "Hi!\n\nI like cheese",
# '<h1>Hi!</h1><p>I like <a href="">cheese</a></p>',
# )
# )
# ));
# # email with text and html alternatives (explicit types)
# email2(array(
# 'from' => '',
# 'to' => '',
# 'subject' => 'test',
# 'body' => array(
# 'type' => 'alternatives',
# 'body' => array(
# array(
# 'type' => 'text',
# 'body' => "Hi!\n\nI like cheese",
# ),
# array(
# 'type' => 'html',
# 'body' => '<h1>Hi!</h1><p>I like cheese</p>',
# ),
# )
# )
# ));
# # email with an attachment
# email2(array(
# 'from' => '',
# 'to' => '',
# 'subject' => 'test',
# 'body' => array(
# 'type' => 'mixed',
# 'body' => array(
# "Hi!\n\nCheck out this (inline) image",
# array(
# 'type' => 'image/png',
# 'disposition' => 'inline',
# 'body' => $image_data, # raw file contents
# ),
# "Hi!\n\nAnd here's an attachment",
# array(
# 'type' => 'application/pdf; name="attachment.pdf"',
# 'disposition' => 'attachment; filename="attachment.pdf"',
# 'body' => $pdf_data, # raw file contents
# ),
# "Or you can use shorthand:",
# array(
# 'type' => 'application/pdf',
# 'attachment' => 'attachment.pdf', # name for client (not data source)
# 'body' => $pdf_data, # raw file contents
# ),
# )
# )
# ))
function email2($args) {
if (!isset($args['from'])) { return 1; }
$from = $args['from'];
if (!isset($args['to'])) { return 2; }
$to = $args['to'];
$subject = isset($args['subject']) ? $args['subject'] : '';
$reply_to = isset($args['reply_to']) ? $args['reply_to'] : '';
$cc = isset($args['cc']) ? $args['cc'] : '';
$bcc = isset($args['bcc']) ? $args['bcc'] : '';
#FIXME should allow many more characters here (and do Q encoding)
$subject = isset($args['subject']) ? $args['subject'] : '';
$subject = preg_replace("|[^a-z0-9 _/#'.:&,-]|i", '_', $subject);
$headers = "From: $from";
if($reply_to) {
$headers .= PHP_EOL . "Reply-To: $reply_to";
if($cc) {
$headers .= PHP_EOL . "CC: $cc";
if($bcc) {
$headers .= PHP_EOL . "BCC: $bcc";
$r = email2_helper($args['body']);
$headers .= PHP_EOL . $r[0];
$body = $r[1];
if (mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers)) {
return 0;
} else {
return 5;
function email2_helper($body, $top = true) {
if (is_string($body)) {
if (substr($body, 0, 1) == '<') {
return email2_helper(array('type' => 'html', 'body' => $body), $top);
} else {
return email2_helper(array('type' => 'text', 'body' => $body), $top);
# now we can assume $body is an associative array
# defaults:
$type = 'application/octet-stream';
$mime = false;
$boundary = null;
$disposition = null;
$charset = false;
# process 'type' first, because it sets defaults for others
if (isset($body['type'])) {
$type = $body['type'];
if ($type === 'text') {
$type = 'text/plain';
$charset = true;
} elseif ($type === 'html') {
$type = 'text/html';
$charset = true;
} elseif ($type === 'alternative' || $type === 'alternatives') {
$mime = true;
$type = 'multipart/alternative';
} elseif ($type === 'mixed') {
$mime = true;
$type = 'multipart/mixed';
if (isset($body['disposition'])) {
$disposition = $body['disposition'];
if (isset($body['attachment'])) {
if ($disposition == null) {
$disposition = 'attachment';
$disposition .= "; filename=\"{$body['attachment']}\"";
$type .= "; name=\"{$body['attachment']}\"";
# make headers
$headers = array();
if ($top && $mime) {
$headers[] = 'MIME-Version: 1.0';
if ($mime) {
$boundary = md5('5sd^%Ca)~aAfF0=4mIN' . rand() . rand());
$type .= "; boundary=$boundary";
if ($charset) {
$type .= '; charset=' . (isset($body['charset']) ? $body['charset'] : 'UTF-8');
$headers[] = "Content-Type: $type";
if ($disposition !== null) {
$headers[] = "Content-Disposition: {$disposition}";
$data = '';
# return array, first el is headers, 2nd is body (php's mail() needs them separate)
if ($mime) {
foreach ($body['body'] as $sub_body) {
$data .= "--$boundary" . PHP_EOL;
$r = email2_helper($sub_body, false);
$data .= $r[0] . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; # headers
$data .= $r[1] . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; # body
$data .= "--$boundary--";
} else {
if(preg_match('/[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]/', $body['body'])) {
$headers[] = "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64";
$data .= chunk_split(base64_encode($body['body']));
} else {
$data .= $body['body'];
return array(join(PHP_EOL, $headers), $data);
Funktion ist viel schwieriger als erwartet. Versuchen Sie aus Zeitgründen