Ich habe mit Unity gearbeitet und hatte ein Problem mit BeginConnect und anderen asynchronen Methoden von Socket.
Es gibt etwas, das ich nicht verstehe, aber die Codebeispiele zuvor funktionieren bei mir nicht.
Also habe ich diesen Code geschrieben, damit er funktioniert. Ich teste es in einem Ad-hoc-Netzwerk mit Android und PC, auch lokal auf meinem Computer. Hoffe es kann helfen.
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Net;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
class ConnexionParameter : Guardian
public TcpClient client;
public string address;
public int port;
public Thread principale;
public Thread thisthread = null;
public int timeout;
private EventWaitHandle wh = new AutoResetEvent(false);
public ConnexionParameter(TcpClient client, string address, int port, int timeout, Thread principale)
this.client = client;
this.address = address;
this.port = port;
this.principale = principale;
this.timeout = timeout;
thisthread = new Thread(Connect);
public void Connect()
WatchDog.Start(timeout, this);
client.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(address), port);
catch (Exception)
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Unable to connect service (Training mode? Or not running?)");
public bool IsConnected = true;
public void OnTimeOver()
if (!client.Connected)
/*there is the trick. The abort method from thread doesn't
make the connection stop immediately(I think it's because it rise an exception
that make time to stop). Instead I close the socket while it's trying to
connect , that make the connection method return faster*/
IsConnected = false;
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Connexion already closed, or forcing connexion thread to end. Ignore.");
public void Start()
public bool Get()
return IsConnected;
public static class Connexion
public static bool Connect(this TcpClient client, string address, int port, int timeout)
ConnexionParameter cp = new ConnexionParameter(client, address, port, timeout, Thread.CurrentThread);
return cp.Get();
public static Socket AcceptSocket(this TcpListener tcpListener, int timeoutms, int pollInterval = 10)
TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutms);
var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
while (stopWatch.Elapsed < timeout)
if (tcpListener.Pending())
return tcpListener.AcceptSocket();
return null;
und es gibt einen sehr einfachen Watchdog auf C #, damit es funktioniert:
using System.Threading;
public interface Guardian
void OnTimeOver();
public class WatchDog {
int m_iMs;
Guardian m_guardian;
public WatchDog(int a_iMs, Guardian a_guardian)
m_iMs = a_iMs;
m_guardian = a_guardian;
Thread thread = new Thread(body);
private void body(object o)
WatchDog watchdog = (WatchDog)o;
public static void Start(int a_iMs, Guardian a_guardian)
new WatchDog(a_iMs, a_guardian);