Dies könnte ein guter Zeitpunkt sein, um Skripte und den Skript-Listener in Ihr Tool-Set einzuführen. Während ein Plugin in Ordnung ist, könnten Sie später einige andere Ideen haben, wo dies helfen könnte. Also hier ist mein schnell zusammengepferchtes Skript. Um dies zu verwenden, ändern Sie den Setup-Teil und fügen Sie ihn in eine jsx-Datei ein (und ziehen Sie dann beispielsweise einen Tropfen auf Photoshop):
// setup preferences
SIZE = UnitValue(24, "pt");
FONT = "Cambria";
doc = app.activeDocument;
for ( var i = 0; i < CHARS_TO_CONVERT.length; i++ ){
var ch = CHARS_TO_CONVERT.charAt(i)
var layer = doc.artLayers.add();
layer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
layer.textItem.contents = ch;
layer.textItem.font = FONT;
layer.textItem.size = SIZE;
function makeCustomShape(name){
// recorded with script listener will make currently active path a custiom shape
// with a specified name
var idMk = charIDToTypeID( "Mk " );
var desc29 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
var ref13 = new ActionReference();
var idcustomShape = stringIDToTypeID( "customShape" );
ref13.putClass( idcustomShape );
desc29.putReference( idnull, ref13 );
var idUsng = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
var ref14 = new ActionReference();
var idPrpr = charIDToTypeID( "Prpr" );
var idfsel = charIDToTypeID( "fsel" );
ref14.putProperty( idPrpr, idfsel );
var idDcmn = charIDToTypeID( "Dcmn" );
var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
ref14.putEnumerated( idDcmn, idOrdn, idTrgt );
desc29.putReference( idUsng, ref14 );
var idNm = charIDToTypeID( "Nm " );
desc29.putString( idNm, name );
executeAction( idMk, desc29, DialogModes.NO );
Es ist schneller als manuell zu erledigen.
Und hier ist eine für den speziellen Anwendungsfall:
// setup preferences
SIZE = UnitValue(24, "pt");
FONT = "FontAwesome";
arr = [
"glass \uf000",
"music \uf001",
"search \uf002",
"envelope-o \uf003",
"heart \uf004",
"star \uf005",
"star-o \uf006",
"user \uf007",
"film \uf008",
"th-large \uf009",
"th \uf00a",
"th-list \uf00b",
"check \uf00c",
"times \uf00d",
"search-plus \uf00e",
"search-minus \uf010",
"power-off \uf011",
"signal \uf012",
"cog \uf013",
"trash-o \uf014",
"home \uf015",
"file-o \uf016",
"clock-o \uf017",
"road \uf018",
"download \uf019",
"arrow-circle-o-down \uf01a",
"arrow-circle-o-up \uf01b",
"inbox \uf01c",
"play-circle-o \uf01d",
"repeat \uf01e",
"refresh \uf021",
"list-alt \uf022",
"lock \uf023",
"flag \uf024",
"headphones \uf025",
"volume-off \uf026",
"volume-down \uf027",
"volume-up \uf028",
"qrcode \uf029",
"barcode \uf02a",
"tag \uf02b",
"tags \uf02c",
"book \uf02d",
"bookmark \uf02e",
"print \uf02f",
"camera \uf030",
"font \uf031",
"bold \uf032",
"italic \uf033",
"text-height \uf034",
"text-width \uf035",
"align-left \uf036",
"align-center \uf037",
"align-right \uf038",
"align-justify \uf039",
"list \uf03a",
"outdent \uf03b",
"indent \uf03c",
"video-camera \uf03d",
"picture-o \uf03e",
"pencil \uf040",
"map-marker \uf041",
"adjust \uf042",
"tint \uf043",
"pencil-square-o \uf044",
"share-square-o \uf045",
"check-square-o \uf046",
"arrows \uf047",
"step-backward \uf048",
"fast-backward \uf049",
"backward \uf04a",
"play \uf04b",
"pause \uf04c",
"stop \uf04d",
"forward \uf04e",
"fast-forward \uf050",
"step-forward \uf051",
"eject \uf052",
"chevron-left \uf053",
"chevron-right \uf054",
"plus-circle \uf055",
"minus-circle \uf056",
"times-circle \uf057",
"check-circle \uf058",
"question-circle \uf059",
"info-circle \uf05a",
"crosshairs \uf05b",
"times-circle-o \uf05c",
"check-circle-o \uf05d",
"ban \uf05e",
"arrow-left \uf060",
"arrow-right \uf061",
"arrow-up \uf062",
"arrow-down \uf063",
"share \uf064",
"expand \uf065",
"compress \uf066",
"plus \uf067",
"minus \uf068",
"asterisk \uf069",
"exclamation-circle \uf06a",
"gift \uf06b",
"leaf \uf06c",
"fire \uf06d",
"eye \uf06e",
"eye-slash \uf070",
"exclamation-triangle \uf071",
"plane \uf072",
"calendar \uf073",
"random \uf074",
"comment \uf075",
"magnet \uf076",
"chevron-up \uf077",
"chevron-down \uf078",
"retweet \uf079",
"shopping-cart \uf07a",
"folder \uf07b",
"folder-open \uf07c",
"arrows-v \uf07d",
"arrows-h \uf07e",
"bar-chart-o \uf080",
"twitter-square \uf081",
"facebook-square \uf082",
"camera-retro \uf083",
"key \uf084",
"cogs \uf085",
"comments \uf086",
"thumbs-o-up \uf087",
"thumbs-o-down \uf088",
"star-half \uf089",
"heart-o \uf08a",
"sign-out \uf08b",
"linkedin-square \uf08c",
"thumb-tack \uf08d",
"external-link \uf08e",
"sign-in \uf090",
"trophy \uf091",
"github-square \uf092",
"upload \uf093",
"lemon-o \uf094",
"phone \uf095",
"square-o \uf096",
"bookmark-o \uf097",
"phone-square \uf098",
"twitter \uf099",
"facebook \uf09a",
"github \uf09b",
"unlock \uf09c",
"credit-card \uf09d",
"rss \uf09e",
"hdd-o \uf0a0",
"bullhorn \uf0a1",
"bell \uf0f3",
"certificate \uf0a3",
"hand-o-right \uf0a4",
"hand-o-left \uf0a5",
"hand-o-up \uf0a6",
"hand-o-down \uf0a7",
"arrow-circle-left \uf0a8",
"arrow-circle-right \uf0a9",
"arrow-circle-up \uf0aa",
"arrow-circle-down \uf0ab",
"globe \uf0ac",
"wrench \uf0ad",
"tasks \uf0ae",
"filter \uf0b0",
"briefcase \uf0b1",
"arrows-alt \uf0b2",
"users \uf0c0",
"link \uf0c1",
"cloud \uf0c2",
"flask \uf0c3",
"scissors \uf0c4",
"files-o \uf0c5",
"paperclip \uf0c6",
"floppy-o \uf0c7",
"square \uf0c8",
"bars \uf0c9",
"list-ul \uf0ca",
"list-ol \uf0cb",
"strikethrough \uf0cc",
"underline \uf0cd",
"table \uf0ce",
"magic \uf0d0",
"truck \uf0d1",
"pinterest \uf0d2",
"pinterest-square \uf0d3",
"google-plus-square \uf0d4",
"google-plus \uf0d5",
"money \uf0d6",
"caret-down \uf0d7",
"caret-up \uf0d8",
"caret-left \uf0d9",
"caret-right \uf0da",
"columns \uf0db",
"sort \uf0dc",
"sort-asc \uf0dd",
"sort-desc \uf0de",
"envelope \uf0e0",
"linkedin \uf0e1",
"undo \uf0e2",
"gavel \uf0e3",
"tachometer \uf0e4",
"comment-o \uf0e5",
"comments-o \uf0e6",
"bolt \uf0e7",
"sitemap \uf0e8",
"umbrella \uf0e9",
"clipboard \uf0ea",
"lightbulb-o \uf0eb",
"exchange \uf0ec",
"cloud-download \uf0ed",
"cloud-upload \uf0ee",
"user-md \uf0f0",
"stethoscope \uf0f1",
"suitcase \uf0f2",
"bell-o \uf0a2",
"coffee \uf0f4",
"cutlery \uf0f5",
"file-text-o \uf0f6",
"building-o \uf0f7",
"hospital-o \uf0f8",
"ambulance \uf0f9",
"medkit \uf0fa",
"fighter-jet \uf0fb",
"beer \uf0fc",
"h-square \uf0fd",
"plus-square \uf0fe",
"angle-double-left \uf100",
"angle-double-right \uf101",
"angle-double-up \uf102",
"angle-double-down \uf103",
"angle-left \uf104",
"angle-right \uf105",
"angle-up \uf106",
"angle-down \uf107",
"desktop \uf108",
"laptop \uf109",
"tablet \uf10a",
"mobile \uf10b",
"circle-o \uf10c",
"quote-left \uf10d",
"quote-right \uf10e",
"spinner \uf110",
"circle \uf111",
"reply \uf112",
"github-alt \uf113",
"folder-o \uf114",
"folder-open-o \uf115",
"smile-o \uf118",
"frown-o \uf119",
"meh-o \uf11a",
"gamepad \uf11b",
"keyboard-o \uf11c",
"flag-o \uf11d",
"flag-checkered \uf11e",
"terminal \uf120",
"code \uf121",
"reply-all \uf122",
"mail-reply-all \uf122",
"star-half-o \uf123",
"location-arrow \uf124",
"crop \uf125",
"code-fork \uf126",
"chain-broken \uf127",
"question \uf128",
"info \uf129",
"exclamation \uf12a",
"superscript \uf12b",
"subscript \uf12c",
"eraser \uf12d",
"puzzle-piece \uf12e",
"microphone \uf130",
"microphone-slash \uf131",
"shield \uf132",
"calendar-o \uf133",
"fire-extinguisher \uf134",
"rocket \uf135",
"maxcdn \uf136",
"chevron-circle-left \uf137",
"chevron-circle-right \uf138",
"chevron-circle-up \uf139",
"chevron-circle-down \uf13a",
"html5 \uf13b",
"css3 \uf13c",
"anchor \uf13d",
"unlock-alt \uf13e",
"bullseye \uf140",
"ellipsis-h \uf141",
"ellipsis-v \uf142",
"rss-square \uf143",
"play-circle \uf144",
"ticket \uf145",
"minus-square \uf146",
"minus-square-o \uf147",
"level-up \uf148",
"level-down \uf149",
"check-square \uf14a",
"pencil-square \uf14b",
"external-link-square \uf14c",
"share-square \uf14d",
"compass \uf14e",
"caret-square-o-down \uf150",
"caret-square-o-up \uf151",
"caret-square-o-right \uf152",
"eur \uf153",
"gbp \uf154",
"usd \uf155",
"inr \uf156",
"jpy \uf157",
"rub \uf158",
"krw \uf159",
"btc \uf15a",
"file \uf15b",
"file-text \uf15c",
"sort-alpha-asc \uf15d",
"sort-alpha-desc \uf15e",
"sort-amount-asc \uf160",
"sort-amount-desc \uf161",
"sort-numeric-asc \uf162",
"sort-numeric-desc \uf163",
"thumbs-up \uf164",
"thumbs-down \uf165",
"youtube-square \uf166",
"youtube \uf167",
"xing \uf168",
"xing-square \uf169",
"youtube-play \uf16a",
"dropbox \uf16b",
"stack-overflow \uf16c",
"instagram \uf16d",
"flickr \uf16e",
"adn \uf170",
"bitbucket \uf171",
"bitbucket-square \uf172",
"tumblr \uf173",
"tumblr-square \uf174",
"long-arrow-down \uf175",
"long-arrow-up \uf176",
"long-arrow-left \uf177",
"long-arrow-right \uf178",
"apple \uf179",
"windows \uf17a",
"android \uf17b",
"linux \uf17c",
"dribbble \uf17d",
"skype \uf17e",
"foursquare \uf180",
"trello \uf181",
"female \uf182",
"male \uf183",
"gittip \uf184",
"sun-o \uf185",
"moon-o \uf186",
"archive \uf187",
"bug \uf188",
"vk \uf189",
"weibo \uf18a",
"renren \uf18b",
"pagelines \uf18c",
"stack-exchange \uf18d",
"arrow-circle-o-right \uf18e",
"arrow-circle-o-left \uf190",
"caret-square-o-left \uf191",
"dot-circle-o \uf192",
"wheelchair \uf193",
"vimeo-square \uf194",
"try \uf195",
"plus-square-o \uf196"
doc = app.activeDocument;
for ( var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ){
var data = arr[i].split(" ")
var layer = doc.artLayers.add();
layer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
layer.textItem.contents = data[1];
layer.textItem.font = FONT;
layer.textItem.size = SIZE;
function makeCustomShape(name){
// recorded with script listener will make currently active path a custiom shape
// with a specified name
var idMk = charIDToTypeID( "Mk " );
var desc29 = new ActionDescriptor();
var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
var ref13 = new ActionReference();
var idcustomShape = stringIDToTypeID( "customShape" );
ref13.putClass( idcustomShape );
desc29.putReference( idnull, ref13 );
var idUsng = charIDToTypeID( "Usng" );
var ref14 = new ActionReference();
var idPrpr = charIDToTypeID( "Prpr" );
var idfsel = charIDToTypeID( "fsel" );
ref14.putProperty( idPrpr, idfsel );
var idDcmn = charIDToTypeID( "Dcmn" );
var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
ref14.putEnumerated( idDcmn, idOrdn, idTrgt );
desc29.putReference( idUsng, ref14 );
var idNm = charIDToTypeID( "Nm " );
desc29.putString( idNm, name );
executeAction( idMk, desc29, DialogModes.NO );