Ich habe eine Abfrage, deren Ausführung besonders lange dauert (15+ Sekunden) und die mit der Zeit immer schlimmer wird, wenn mein Datensatz wächst. Ich habe dies in der Vergangenheit optimiert und Indizes, Sortierung auf Codeebene und andere Optimierungen hinzugefügt, aber es muss noch weiter verfeinert werden.
SELECT sounds.*, avg(ratings.rating) AS avg_rating, count(ratings.rating) AS votes FROM `sounds`
INNER JOIN ratings ON sounds.id = ratings.rateable_id
WHERE (ratings.rateable_type = 'Sound'
AND sounds.blacklisted = false
AND sounds.ready_for_deployment = true
AND sounds.deployed = true
AND sounds.type = "Sound"
AND sounds.created_at > "2011-03-26 21:25:49")
GROUP BY ratings.rateable_id
Der Zweck der Abfrage ist es, mir die sound id
und die durchschnittliche Bewertung der neuesten, veröffentlichten Sounds zu geben. Es gibt ungefähr 1500 Sounds und 2 Millionen Bewertungen.
Ich habe mehrere Indizes sounds
mysql> show index from sounds;
| Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| sounds | 0 | PRIMARY | 1 | id | A | 1388 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | |
| sounds | 1 | sounds_ready_for_deployment_and_deployed | 1 | deployed | A | 5 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | |
| sounds | 1 | sounds_ready_for_deployment_and_deployed | 2 | ready_for_deployment | A | 12 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | |
| sounds | 1 | sounds_name | 1 | name | A | 1388 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | |
| sounds | 1 | sounds_description | 1 | description | A | 1388 | 128 | NULL | YES | BTREE | |
und mehrere auf ratings
mysql> show index from ratings;
| Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment |
| ratings | 0 | PRIMARY | 1 | id | A | 2008251 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | |
| ratings | 1 | index_ratings_on_rateable_id_and_rating | 1 | rateable_id | A | 18 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | |
| ratings | 1 | index_ratings_on_rateable_id_and_rating | 2 | rating | A | 9297 | NULL | NULL | YES | BTREE | |
Hier ist der EXPLAIN
mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT sounds.*, avg(ratings.rating) AS avg_rating, count(ratings.rating) AS votes FROM sounds INNER JOIN ratings ON sounds.id = ratings.rateable_id WHERE (ratings.rateable_type = 'Sound' AND sounds.blacklisted = false AND sounds.ready_for_deployment = true AND sounds.deployed = true AND sounds.type = "Sound" AND sounds.created_at > "2011-03-26 21:25:49") GROUP BY ratings.rateable_id;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | ratings | index | index_ratings_on_rateable_id_and_rating | index_ratings_on_rateable_id_and_rating | 9 | NULL | 2008306 | Using where |
| 1 | SIMPLE | sounds | eq_ref | PRIMARY,sounds_ready_for_deployment_and_deployed | PRIMARY | 4 | redacted_production.ratings.rateable_id | 1 | Using where |
Ich speichere die einmal erhaltenen Ergebnisse im Cache, daher ist die Leistung der Website kein großes Problem, aber die Ausführung meiner Cache-Wärmer dauert immer länger, da dieser Aufruf so lange dauert, und das wird langsam zu einem Problem. Dies scheint nicht viele Zahlen zu sein, die in einer Abfrage zusammengefasst werden müssen…
Was kann ich noch tun, um die Leistung zu verbessern ?
Ausgabe zeigen ?EXPLAIN SELECT sounds.*, avg(ratings.rating) AS avg_rating, count(ratings.rating) AS votes FROM sounds INNER JOIN ratings ON sounds.id = ratings.rateable_id WHERE (ratings.rateable_type = 'Sound' AND sounds.blacklisted = false AND sounds.ready_for_deployment = true AND sounds.deployed = true AND sounds.type = "Sound" AND sounds.created_at > "2011-03-26 21:25:49") GROUP BY ratings.rateable_id