Für mich sieht es so aus, als würden nur die Spalten aktualisiert, NULL
um Seiten zur Wiederverwendung freizugeben. Hier ist eine Very Scottish®-Demo, um zu feiern, dass es fast 17 Uhr EST ist.
USE tempdb;
CREATE TABLE dbo.RobertBurns
Scotch VARCHAR(50),
HaggisAddress VARBINARY(MAX)
DECLARE @AddressToAVarbinaryHaggis VARBINARY(MAX);
Good luck to you and your honest, plump face,
Great chieftain of the pudding race!
Above them all you take your place,
gut, stomach-lining, or intestine,
You''re well worth a grace
as long as my arm.
The overloaded serving tray there you fill,
Your buttocks shaped like a distant hilltop,
Your wooden skewer could be used to fix a mill
if need be,
While through your pores your juices drip
like liquid gold.
His knife see the serving-man clean,
And then cut you up with great skill,
Making a trench in your bright, gushing guts
To form a ditch,
And then, 0h! What a glorious sight!
Warm, steaming, and rich!
Then, spoonful after spoonful, they eagerly eat,
The devil will get the last bit, on they go,
Until all their well-stretched stomachs, by-and-by,
are bent like drums,
Then the head of the family, about to burst,
murmurs “Thank the Lord".
Is there a pretentious soul who, over his French ragout,
Or Italian cuisine that would make a pig sick,
Or French stew that would make that same pig ill
with complete and utter disgust,
Looks down with a sneering, scornful attitude,
on such a meal? (as Haggis)
Poor devil! See him over his trash!
As feeble as a withered bullrush,
His skinny leg no thicker than a thin rope,
His fist the size of a nut,
Through a river or field to travel,
Completely unfit!
But look at the healthy, Haggis-fed person!
The trembling earth respects him as a man!
Put a knife in his fist,
He''ll make it work!
And legs, and arms, and heads will come off,
Like the tops of thistle.
You Powers who look after mankind,
And dish out his bill of fare,
Old Scotland wants no watery, wimpy stuff
That splashes about in little wooden bowls!
But, if You will grant her a grateful prayer,
Give her a Haggis!';
INSERT dbo.RobertBurns (Scotch, HaggisAddress )
CASE WHEN x.c % 15 = 0 THEN 'Laphroaig'
WHEN x.c % 5 = 0 THEN 'Lagavulin'
WHEN x.c % 3 = 0 THEN 'Port Ellen'
ELSE 'Ardbeg'
END AS Scotch,
CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX), REPLICATE(@AddressToAHaggis, x.c % 20 + 1))
FROM sys.messages AS m
) AS x;
CREATE INDEX ix_novarbinary ON dbo.RobertBurns (Scotch, Id);
CREATE INDEX ix_yesvarbinary ON dbo.RobertBurns (Scotch, Id) INCLUDE (HaggisAddress);
Schauen wir uns mit eingefügten Zeilen unsere Indexseiten an.
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id) AS table_name,
i.name AS index_name,
MAX(a.used_pages) AS leaf_me_alone
FROM sys.indexes AS i
JOIN sys.partitions AS p
ON p.object_id = i.object_id
AND p.index_id = i.index_id
JOIN sys.allocation_units AS a
ON a.container_id = p.partition_id
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id) = 'RobertBurns'
GROUP BY i.object_id, i.index_id, i.name
ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id), i.index_id;
Nach dem Einfügen bekomme ich das. Die tatsächlichen Seiten können für Sie variieren.
table_name index_name leaf_me_alone
RobertBurns PK__RobertBu__3214EC074BE633A2 5587
RobertBurns ix_novarbinary 10
RobertBurns ix_yesvarbinary 5581
Lass uns ein NULL
paar Zeilen raus!
SET rb.HaggisAddress = NULL
FROM dbo.RobertBurns AS rb
WHERE rb.Id % 15 = 0;
Und schauen Sie noch einmal auf unseren Seiten vorbei:
table_name index_name leaf_me_alone
RobertBurns PK__RobertBu__3214EC074BE633A2 5300
RobertBurns ix_novarbinary 10
RobertBurns ix_yesvarbinary 5273
So wurde die Seitenzahl reduziert. Huzzah! Für die beiden Indizes, die unsere VARBINARY
Daten berühren , haben sie ein paar Seiten verloren. Das bedeutet, dass sie wieder im Umlauf sind, damit andere Objekte verwendet werden können. Da ich in Tempdb bin, werden sie wahrscheinlich ziemlich schnell von all den Müllsachen verschlungen, die hier vor sich gehen.
Lassen Sie uns nun einige Daten wieder eingeben:
INSERT dbo.RobertBurns (Scotch, HaggisAddress )
SELECT TOP 10 rb.Scotch, rb.HaggisAddress
FROM dbo.RobertBurns AS rb;
Und wieder einchecken:
table_name index_name leaf_me_alone
RobertBurns PK__RobertBu__3214EC074BE633A2 5330
RobertBurns ix_novarbinary 11
RobertBurns ix_yesvarbinary 5305
Die Seitenzahlen stiegen etwas an.
Sieht also so aus, als müssten Sie nichts zu Verrücktes tun oder sogar Ihre Datenbank verkleinern, um Speicherplatz wiederzuverwenden. Ich denke, Sie haben das Verhalten des Löschens von Spalten in Konflikt gebracht und mussten mit dem laufen, DBCC CLEANTABLE
was Sie tatsächlich tun.
Hoffe das hilft!