Aktuelle Ratschläge für den effizientesten Weg zum Vergleich zweier großer Ergebnis- / Zeilensätze scheinen darin zu bestehen, den EXCEPT
Operator zu verwenden. Dieses eigenständige SQL-Skript wird mit zunehmender Zeilengröße sehr ineffizient (@last-Werte ändern). Ich habe versucht, eindeutige Einträge in einer kombinierten Tabelle zu finden, aber ohne Verbesserung.
DECLARE @first AS INT, @step AS INT, @last AS INT;
-- This script is comparing two record sets using EXCEPT
-- I want to find additions from OLD to NEW
-- As number of rows increase performance gets terrible
-- I don't have to use two tables. I could use one combined table but I want the same result as quickly as possible
-- Compare 100 to 110 rows - 0 seconds
-- Compare 1000 to 1010 rows - 1 seconds
-- Compare 10000 to 10010 rows - 16 seconds
-- Compare 100000 to 100010 rows - ABORT after 8 minutes (tables are populated in 18 seconds)
DECLARE @temptableOLD TABLE ([Result1] int);
SET @step = 1; SET @first = 1; SET @last = 100000
WHILE(@first <= @last) BEGIN INSERT INTO @temptableOLD VALUES(@first) SET @first += @step END
DECLARE @temptableNEW TABLE ([Result1] int);
SET @step = 1; SET @first = 1; SET @last = 100010
WHILE(@first <= @last) BEGIN INSERT INTO @temptableNEW VALUES(@first) SET @first += @step END
select * from @temptableNEW
select * from @temptableOLD