Brainfuck , 563 335 318 316 296 + 529 373 366 336 = 632 Bytes
Da hier offensichtlich eine Lösung in einer verwandten Sprache fehlte, hier die Lösung in Brainfuck und Golunar. Ich konnte keine Antwort auf unary posten, weil das ein paar fantastische Billionen Mal mehr Gedächtnis benötigen würde, als es Atome im Universum gibt ^^
Die "Zurück" -Routine prüft nicht, ob der Golunar / Unary-Code gültig ist. Wenn die Bitanzahl mod 3! = 1 ist, wird eine Endlosschleife mit vielen ">" ausgegeben.
Dank an Nitrodon, der mir geholfen hat, weniger als 300 Zeichen für den unären Code des BF zu erhalten
Brainfuck zu unary
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und zurück
Probieren Sie es online!
Golunar / unary -digits, 509 303 288 286 268 + 478 337 331 304 = 572 Bytes
Brainfuck zu unary
und zurück
Brainfuck zu unary
62 > 62
60 < -2
45 - 15
43 + 2
44 , 1
46 . 2
91 [ 45
93 ] 2
tape (while reading input): Left tape end marker/LTE, [binary data], input, 15, (15 multiplicator)
tape (while base conversion): LTE, [binary data], Value Start/VS, [decimal digits]
decimal digits: digit used/DU, value
- set LTE
>+ set leading 1
>>>>,[ while input
>+++[>+++++<-] set 15 (multiplicator)
>[<+<---->>-] set 15 and decrease input by 60
check for greater than
set current bits = 000 (greater than)
<<--[ if input != 62 try next char
check for less than
<+> set current bits = 001 (less than)
++[ if input != 60 try next char
check for minus
<<+>> set current bits = 011 (minus)
>[<+>-]<[ if input != 45 try next char
check for plus
<-> set current bits = 010 (plus)
++[ if input != 43 try next char
check for comma
<<<+>->+> set current bits = 101 (comma)
-[ if input != 44 try next char
check for dot
<-> set current bits = 100 (dot)
--[ if input != 46 try next char
check for left bracket
<<+>> set current bits = 110 (left bracket)
>+++++++++[<----->-]<[ if input != 91 go to next char
use right bracket
<+> set current bits = 111 (right bracket)
-- decrease input by 2 / should be 0 now
]]]]]]] close all ifs
>[-]>> delete 15 if still existant
, input next character
<<<<+[<+]>[>] add one to each bit and delete LTE (for shorter search routine)
Start of binary to decimal routine
- set value start marker (VS)
>+ set digit used marker (DU)
[<] go to LTE
binary to decimal loop: use "double and add algorithm" to calculate the digits of the decimal value
>+[ if not on VS then
[->+]- restore current bit value and go to VS
> go to first DU
[ digit doubling loop
-> remove DU and go to corresponding digit
<++>- decrement current value and add 2 to temp value four times
[ if value was greater than 4 then
<---- ---- subtract 8 from temp
>>[-]++ set next digit temp = 2 (DU plus 1)
<- decrement current digit
[<++>-] set temp = remaining value * 2
<[>+<-] set current digit = temp
+ set DU
>> go to next digit
] end of digit doubling loop
<<[<<]>[<]> go to current bit
-[ if bit is 2 (used plus 1)
[->+]- delete bit and go to VS
>>+ increment least significant digit
<[<<]>[<] go to current bit
>+ if not on VS then repeat
] end of binary to decimal loop
>[>>]< go to most significant digit
<[ printing loop: for each DU print corresponding value
+++++++[>++++++<-]>. add 48 to value (ASCII 0) and print
<<< go to next DU
und zurück
tape: left tape end marker/LTE(-1), [digits], digit end marker/DE(0), carry, SB(-1), [binary data], 60, 15
digits: digit used marker/DU(1), digit, remainder, solution, 0
else] [exit else, exit if
binary data: value (, else, exit if, exit else)
input decimal value
->> set LTE
,[ while input
<++++++[>--------<-] decrease input by 48
+ set DU
>>>>> >, input next digit
>->- set start of bits (SB) and first CCB
<<<+[-<+]> delete LTE and go to first DU
division loop: calculate the remainders of the input divided by 2 repeatedly to get the (inverted) bits
divide each digit by 2
[ for each DU
- delete DU (for exit if)
> go to digit
[->+< dec digit / set remainder
[->->+>] if digit gt 0: dec digit / del remainder / inc solution / goto 0
pointer: (value(0) remainder is set) or (0 solution gt 1)
<[<<<] go to DU
> go to digit
<+ set DU
>>>[-<<+>>] move solution to digit
<[ if remainder
>>>> go to next digit
+++++ +++++ add 10 to digit/carry
<<<<- go back and delete remainder
>>> go to next DU
append new bit
>>>+[->+] go to and delete CCB
>- set new CCB
<+[-<+]-< go to carry
[ if carry
>>+[->+]-<+ set last bit
+[-<+]-<[-] go to and clear carry
check if first digit became 0 / neccessary to check if value has been completely processed
< <<<<<[<<<<<]>>>>> go to first DU
>[ if digit gt 0
<< go to exit if
]<[ else
- delete DU
>>> go to exit else of next digit
>> go to DU / DE if all digits processed
] end of division loop
decode binary values
>>>+[->+] go to and delete CCB (after last bit)
<- delete leading 1
< go to first bit
Start of bit decoder
62 > 62
60 < -2
43 + -17
45 - 2
46 . 1
44 , -2
91 [ 47
93 ] 2
tape: start of bytes marker/SB(-1), [binary data], 60(print char/PC), 15
+[- while not SB
Set least significant to octal value of three bits
[<++>-] if first bit set add 2 to second bit
<[<++>-] for each second bit add 2 to third bit
>+++[>+++++<-] multiplier 15
>[<+<++++>>-] setup table 60 15
run through the 8 possibilities
0 greater than
<<++ set PC = 62 (greater than)
<[ if value gt 0 go to next char
1 less than
>-- set PC = 60 (less than)
<-[ if value gt 1 go to next char
2 plus
>>[<->-]<-- set PC = 43 (plus)
<-[ if value gt 1 go to next char
3 minus
>++ set PC = 45 (minus)
<-[ if value gt 1 go to next char
4 dot
>+ set PC = 46 (dot)
<-[ if value gt 1 go to next char
5 comma
>-- set PC = 44 (comma)
<-[ if value gt 1 go to next char
6 left bracket
>+[>+<-]>[<++>-]<+ set PC = 91 (left bracket) (inc (45) / double (90) / inc (91))
<-[ if value gt 1 go to next char
7 right bracket
>++ set PC = 93 (right bracket)
<- decrease value the last time to exit if
]]]]]]] close all ifs
>.[-] print char and clear PC
>[-] clear 15 if still existant
<<< go to next bits
+ repeat if not SB