Java, Heuristik, die den Scheitelpunkt bevorzugt, der den größten Graphen hervorruft: 1825 1855 1873
Der folgende Code wird in weniger als 10 Minuten ausgeführt und findet den folgenden Pfad:
[wad, wadis, dis, dismay, may, mayfly, flywheels, elsewhere, erecting, ingratiate, ateliers, ersatzes, zest, esthetic, tickled, ledger, germicide, idealizes, zestful, fulling, ingrains, institute, uterine, ineptness, essaying, ingeniously, slyness, essences, cessations, onshore, ores, resoundingly, glycerine, inertness, essay, say, saying, ingenuous, ousted, tediously, sly, slyest, estrogen, genuflecting, ingestion, ionizer, zeros, roses, sesames, mes, meshed, hedonist, isthmuses, sesame, amending, ingredient, entrapment, enthuses, session, ionosphere, erectness, essayist, isthmus, mustaches, hesitatingly, glycogen, generation, ions, onset, settable, blew, lewder, deriding, ingratiates, testicles, lessen, sensitization, ionization, ionizing, ingratiating, ingenious, ouster, terrorizing, ingest, estranges, gesticulating, ingrates, testis, tissue, sue, suede, edelweiss, issuing, ingraining, ingrown, owner, nerdiest, estimation, ionospheres, rescue, cue, cueing, ingesting, ingot, got, gotten, tensor, sorrowing, ingratiated, tedious, ousting, ingratiatingly, glycerin, ringside, identifiable, bleariest, ester, terminological, calibrator, torrent, entraps, apse, pseudonym, nymphomania, niacin, cinema, emailed, led, ledges, gesticulates, testicle, clement, entail, ail, ailment, enter, terrains, inspires, restaurateur, euros, rosiest, estimates, tester, termite, iterator, torture, urethras, raspiest, estimator, tore, oregano, anointment, enthuse, useful, fulfil, filmstrip, riposte, stereotyped, pedicure, urea, readmits, itself, elf, elfin, finagles, lesbians, answerable, bleat, eatery, erythrocytes, testosterone, one, ones, nest, esteemed, medicine, inextricable, blessed, sediment, entry, try, tryout, outsources, cesarians, answered, redressed, seducer, cervical, calumniates, test, establishment, entombment, enthusiastic, tickles, lessens, ensemble, blemishes, hesitant, antic, tick, ickiest, estimable, blemished, hedgehog, hogan, gantlet, letdown, own, ownership, hippest, estates, testates, testiest, establishes, hes, hesitates, testable, bleakest, esthetes, testament, entice, iceberg, erg, ergonomic, microscope, operatives, vestibules, lesser, serenade, adenoidal, dales, lest, estrangement, entrap, raptures, resourceful, fulsome, omen, menswear, earthliest, established, hedges, gestates, testy, styes, yeshivot, voter, terrible, blender, derides, descent, enticed, cedillas, lass, assailable, bleacher, hermit, mite, item, temperas, rash, ashtray, rayon, yonder, dermis, mismanage, agendas, dash, ashy, shy, shyster, terrapins, insatiable, bleeder, derives, vestment, entangle, glen, lengthens, ensconced, ceded, deduced, cedars, arsenic, nice, ice, iced, cedar, daredevil, villa, llamas, masseuse, use, useable, bleach, achievable, bleached, hedonistic, tic, ticker, kerchieves, vessel, sell, ell, elliptic, ticket, kettles, lessee, seeps, epsilon, longboat, oath, atherosclerosis, sisterhood, oodles, lesson, sonatas, tassel, selvage, age, agent, entranced, cedes, descender, deranges, gestures, restraint, interment, enthused, seduced, cedilla, llama, amalgam, gamut, mutable, blend, endear, earthy, thymus, mussel, seltzer, zero, erodes, despot, potful, fulfillment, enthrall, allot, lotus, tussle, sledgehammered, redolent, entrapped, pedestal, talk, alkalis, listen, tended, deductible, bleeped, pedigree, reentered, redistribute, uterus, rustproofed, fed, fedora, oranges, gesundheit, either, herdsman, manes, nestles, lessor, sorrowful, fullback, acknowledges, gestured, redoubtable, blended, deduces, cesareans, answer, werewolves, vesper, perseveres, restructures, reside, ideogram, rammed, meddlesome, omens, ensign, ignores, restrains, insolent, entanglement, entrenchment, enticement, entomological, calligraphy, physical, calico, iconoclast, astringent, entertainment, entrant, antennas, nasty, stymie, miens, enslave, averred, redefine, inexorable, blenched, hedgerow, rowboat, oat, oaten, tend, endears, arson, songwriter, terminable, blent, entreaty, atypical, calypso, psoriasis, sister, term, ermine, ineligible, bleaker, kerosene, enema, emancipator, tormentor, torrider, derailment, entertains, instil, tildes, destine, inelegant, anthropomorphic, hiccup, cupolas, lastingly, glycerol, rollback, acknowledgment, entombed, bedridden, denser, servicewomen, menopause, used, sedatives, vesicle, clearinghouse, user, servant, antipodes, descry, crystalline, inexpedient, enthusiast, astonishment, entirety, etymological, calendared, redbreast, astronomer, merinos, nosedove, overpay, pay, paymaster, termagant, antiaircraft, aftercare, ares, resentful, fulcrum, rumpus, pushcart, artiste, stethoscopes, pesetas, taste, steadfast, astride, ides, destitute, utensil, silvan, vanguard, ardent, entryway, waysides, despair, airdrop, ropes, pestered, redder, derangement, entered, redeemed, medullas, lasagnas, nasal, salsas, sashay, hay, haymow, mow, mowed, wedder, derringer, germane, anemic, microfilmed, media, diatom, tomboys, oyster, terminator, toreador, dorsal, salespeople, pleased, sedater, terabit, bitten, tentacle, clergyman, manifesto, stomach, achoo, hoopla, plaza, azalea, leaven, vendor, dormant, antiparticle, cleared, redraft, afterword, ordains, insufficient, entitlement, entomb, ombudsmen, men, mental, tallyhos, hospice, icecap, cape, aperitif, tiffed, fedoras, rasped, pediatric, rickshaw, hawker, keratin, tinctures, reset, setback, acknowledgement, enthronement, entwine, inexact, actor, torpedos, dosed, sedan, dancer, cerebrum, rumple, plea, leach, ache, cheaper, per, periscopes, pestilent, entreat, eater, terser, serape, ape, apes, pesky, skycap, capped, pederast, astuter, terrace, acetaminophen, henchmen, menopausal, saltcellar, lard, ardor, dormice, icebound, underbrush, ushered, redrew, rewound, underclass, assassin, sinew, newscast, astrologer, gerund, undertaken, ken, kens, ensnared, redcap, cappuccinos, nostrum, rum, rumored, redraw, rawhide, identical, calcine, inertia, tiara, arabesque, queerer, reruns, unsold, oldie, diesel, selectmen, mentored, redden, dental, talon, longhand, and, androgen, genome, omelet, lethal, hallucinogenic, nickname, amen, menhaden, denudes, despaired, redevelop, lope, operas, rasp, aspired, redskin, kindergartens, ensnares, resultant, anthropological, callus, lustful, fulcra, crammed, mediocre, crepes, pesticide, ideas, eastbound, under, derrières, respired, rediscovered, redundant, antihero, erode, ode, odes, described, bedevil, villager, gerrymander, deride, ideograph, aphid, hid, hides, describes, besides, despoil, oilskin, kingdom, dominant, ant, antipasti, stiffens, ensured, redeemer, merchant, antiwar, warped, pederasty, stylus, lush, usher, her, hereafter, terrapin, pinnacle, clerical, caliber, bereave, avenger, geriatric, rickshas, haste, stereoscopes, pester, termini, initiator, tortures, restorer, reran, ransomed, medulla, llanos, nostril, rill, illogical, calif, lifer, fervor, vortex, textures, resister, termed, medieval, valor, lord, ordered, rediscover, verbatim, times, mesdames, mescal, caliper, periscope, opera, erasures, restart, artichokes, kestrel, reliant, antebellum, lumbago, agog, goggle, gleeful, fulfill, illustrator, tor, torque, questionnaires, resumed, mediator, tort, orthodoxy, oxymora, oratorio, riot, iotas, taster, terrific, fiche, checkpoint, interloper, perfumes, mesas, sassafras, rasher, heraldry, drywall, all, allergens, ensnare, area, rearm, armchair, airman, manufactures, resurface, acerbic, bicycle, cleverer, rerun, runt, untidy, idyllic, lichens, ensures, resend, endemic, microchip, hippopotamus, muscatel, telecast, astronaut, autopilot, lot, loth, other, heros, rosin, single, gleamed, mediaeval, valet, lettered, redound, underside, ideological, calliper, perihelia, liaison, sonic, nicknames, messenger, germicides, descendant, antigen, genital, tall, allergen, gentleman, mangos, gossipped, pedicures, resistant, antlered, redeveloped, pedagogical, calligrapher, heroins, inside, idea, deafen, fen, fencer, cerebra, bravuras, rascal, calculus, lusher, herbivores, resins, instill, illicit, citric, ricochet, heterodoxy, oxygen, generic, rice, icebox, box, boxcar, cartography, physique, quell, ellipsis, sis, sisal, sallow, lowbrow, rowel, well, elliptical, calf, alfresco, scow, cow, cowboy, boy, boyfriend, end, endeared, red, redesign, ignoramus, musket, kettledrum, rump, umped, pedlar, larvas, vassal, salmonellas, last, astronomical, calfskin, kingfisher, hereupon, ponchos, hospital, talisman, mantel, telethon, honcho, chomped, pedant, antitoxins, instant, antipastos, tossup, superintend, endangered, redskins, instigator, torpor, portico, icon, conquistador, dormer, merganser, seraphic, hiccuped, pedagogue, guerrillas, laser, sera, eraser, seraph, aphasic, sickbed, bed, bedsores, resign, ignorant, anthropocentric, richer, herdsmen, menu, enures, resuscitator, tornado, ado, adobe, obeisant, anthill, illegal, gallon, longshoremen, menace, ace, acetylene, enemas, mas, mascot, cot, cotton, tonsures, restores, result, ultraviolet, letterbox, boxer, xerography, physiological, calmer, merchantmen, mentor, torus, russet, settee, teenager, gerbil, billfold, old, olden, denatures, resubmit, mitten, ten, tenon, nonchalant, antique, queasy, asymmetric, ricksha, shanghai, haircut, cutups, upsides, descriptor, torpid, pidgin, gins, instep, tepee, peeper, perturb, urbane, anemia, miasmas, mascaras, raspy, spy, spyglass, assures, resonator, tortilla, llano, anon, nontechnical, calabash, ashram, rampart, arthropod, podia, diagram, ramp, amp, amphitheatres, resistor, tortillas, lasagna, gnat, natal, talc, alcoholic, licensee, seemed, medical, calm, almanac, nacho, choreography, phylum, lumbar, barman, mannequins, insures, respires, resound, underarm, armatures, resides, desideratum, tumult, ultrasound, underdog, dogcatcher, herald, alderwoman, mandarins, insecticides, desires, respirator, torrid, rid, rides, descant, anticlimax, maximum, mum, mummer, meringue, guesser, sermon, monogram, ramrod, rodeo, deodorant, antelopes, peso, esophagus, gusset, setups, upshot, hotel, telescope, open, penicillin, lingos, gossip, sip, siphon, honor, normal, maltreat, eaten, tenet, nether, herpes, pesticides, descend, endow, downfall, alleyway, way, waylay, layman, manicures, reshuffle, flea, lea, leash, ashen, henchman, mandolin, linchpins, inscribes, bestow, townspeople, plectrum, rumbas, baste, sternum, numb, umbilici, icicle, cleaver, vertebra, brains, insouciant, antidepressant, anthem, hemoglobin, binocular, largos, gossamer, mermaid, aid, aides, desperado, adopt, opt, optima, imam, mambos, bosun, sun, sunspot, potpourris, risky, sky, skyscraper, perturbed, bedraggle, glee, lee, leech, echo, choreographer, heraldic, dictum, tumid, midday, day, daybed, bedsides, desktop, topknot, notepaper, periodical, calendar, dare, areas, easel, selfsame, amebas, basins, ins, insulin, linnet, nettlesome, omegas, gasp, aspartame, amend, endures, researcher, herbal, balsas, sass, assault, ultimatum, tumor, mortgagor, gores, resort, orthopaedic, dictatorship, hipper, person, sonar, narc, arc, archduke, ukelele, elegant, anther, hereabout, outfox, fox, foxtrot, rotogravures, restaurant, antechamber, beret, retriever, verbena, enamor, morsel, sellout, outmaneuver, vertical, call, allergenic, niche, chessman, mandolins, insipid, pidgins, install, allures, rescind, indignant, antithetical, calicos, cosmonaut, auto, utopia, piano, another, heretical, calk, alkali, alibi, ibis, bistro, troupe, upend, endorser, serviceman, mandarin, rind, inductee, teepee, pee, peekaboo, bootstrap, rape, apertures, resin, singular, larval, valiant, antiperspirant, antipasto, stop, topical, calisthenic, nicer, cervix, vixen, xenophobic, bicep, cephalic, licit, citizenship, hippopotami, amigos, gospel, pellet, letups, upstart, artificer, cerebellum, lumberman, manic, nicknamed, medic, dickie, kielbasas, sash, ash, ashcan, cannon, nonskid, kid, kidnaper, perjures, resolver, vernacular, larkspur, puree, reefer, ferret, retains, insofar, far, fart, artisan, sandbag, bagel, gelatin, tinsel, selectman, manacle, clever, versus, sustains, inscribed, bedpan, pandemic, microprocessor, sorbet, bet, betcha, char, harem, remodel, deli, elicit, citadel, deliver, verandas, dashikis, kisser, servicemen, menthol, holiday, daydreamer, merchantman, manikins, insane, anew, newsprint, interwove, overreach, achieve, even, venom, nomad, mad, madrigal, gala, alarm, armpit, pitchman, manor, northbound, underbid, bidet, detox, toxemia, miasma, smarten, tenderloins, insult, ultra, travel, velvet, veteran, random, domino, inopportune, uneconomic, microbes, bestir, tiro, ironware, arena, enamel, melodramas, mastodon, don, donut, nut, nutmeg, meg, megalopolis, lissom, sombre, breathe, therefrom, romper, performer, merman, mangrove, overshadow, downcast, astir, tiros, rostra, trachea, heaven, ventricle, clergywoman, maneuver, verbal, ballad, ladyship, hippie, pie, piebald, alderman, manatee, teethe, thereupon, poncho, choicer, ceramic, microscopic, picayune, uneaten, tendon, donor, northeast, astound, underpass, assessor, sorghum, hum, human, mantra, trainee, needlepoint, interplay, laywoman, mannikin, kinsman, mantillas, lassie, sieve, ever, verdigris, risen, sensor, sorrel, relabel, belabor, borsch, schlep, leprechauns, unsnap, nap, napkin, kin, kingpin, pinkeye, eyeglass, assemblyman, manikin, kingship, hip, hippos, postpartum, tumbrel, relic, lichee, heehaw, haw, hawser, servicewoman, many, anyhow, howsoever, vertex, text, extra, trap, rap, rapper, periwig, wigwag, wag, wagon, gonorrhea, heave, aver, vermin, minesweeper, perplex, lexicon, congas, gastronomic, microfiche, cheapen, pentathlon, longhair, air, aircraft, aft, aftertaste, stem, tempos, postwar, war, wart, article, clear, earshot, hotshot, hotbed, bedlam, lam, lambkin, kindergarten, tenser, serum, rumor, mortar, tarmac, macabre, breech, echos, hostel, telescopic, pickerel, relay, laypeople, pleas, east, astronomic, micra, crackpot, pot, potato, atom, tombed, bedbug, bugaboo, bootleg, leg, legato, atop, topple, plethora, orangutang, angora, orangutan, tan, tandem, democrat, rat, rattan, tang, angry, gryphon, honeybee, bee, beeswax, waxen, xenon, nonplus, lustre, trellis, lisle, sleepwear, earwig, wig, wigwam, wampum, pummel, melanomas, massacre, cretin, tin, tint, interviewee, wee, weeper, persimmon, monsignori, origin, gingham, ham, hamper, pericardia, diarrhea, heartthrob, rob, robes, besom, sombreros, rosebud, bud, budgerigar, garret, retrodden, denim, nimbus, bus, bushel, helmet, metaphor, horsefly, flypaper, peritonea, near, ear, earlobes, bestowal, wall, allay, layout, outlast, astrakhan, handicapper, perusal, saltpetre, tremor, moribund, undercut, cut, cutoff, off, offal, falcon, con, consul, sultan, tannin, ninepin, pinball, allegro, grommet, metro, trot, rot, rotten, tenpin, pineapple, plectra, transit, sitar, tar, taro, arousal, salmon, moneybag, bagpipe, ipecac, cache, checkout, outrun, runaround, undersea, sea, sear, earache, cherub, rub, rubicund, underpin, pin, pint, intagli, glib, lib, libel, bellyache, cherubim, bimbos, bosuns, unsound, undertow, tow, towel, wellington, ton, tonsil, silicon, concoct, octet, tetrahedra, drachmae, maestri, tripos, possum, sum, sumac, macro, crocus, custom, tom, tomcat, catsup, sup, superstar, tarpaulin, linchpin, pinpoint, intercom, comet, met, metacarpus, pussycat, catastrophe, phenomenon, nonverbal, ballpoint, interurban, bani, animal, malt, altar, tartar, tarot, rotund, undergrad, radio, diocesan, sandbar, bar, barren, renewal, walkout, outstrip, ripen, pen, pencil, cilantro, trout, outran, rancor, corncob, cob, cobra, bra, brag, rag, ragas, gas, gasohol, holdout, output, put, putsch, schwas, was, waste, stereo, reoccur, cur, curb, urban, ban, bantam, tam, tamp, ampul, pullout, outwit, wit, withal, halo, alohas, hasp, asparagus, gusto, stove, overlap, lapel, pelvis, visit, sit, sitcom, compendia, diadem, demigod, god, goddam, dam, dampen, pennon, non, noncom, compel, pelican, cancan, can, cancel, celesta, starlit, lit, litmus, muscat, cat, catnap, naphtha, than, handcar, carpel, pellagra, grammar, mar, mariachi, chichi, chi, chimp, imp, impel, pelvic, vicar, car, caribou, bourgeoisie, siesta, stab, tab, tabu, abut, but, butterfat, fat, fathom, homespun, pun, puns, unsheathe, the, theorem, remove, overtax, tax, taxicab, cab, cabal, balsam, sambas, basal, salamis, missal, salt, altho, tho, thou, housebound, underground, underclassman, man, mannikins, insectivores, resonant, antelope, operator, torn, ornamental, tallow, low, lowered, reddens, enshrine, inefficient, entertainer, nerves, vestiges, gesturing, ingested, tediousness, essentials]
In Approximation der am längsten gerichteten Wege und Zyklen , Bjorklund, Husfeldt und Khanna, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2004), 222-233, schlagen die Autoren vor, dass in spärlichen Expandergraphen ein langer Weg durch eine gierige Suche gefunden werden kann, die bei jedem auswählt Schritt den Nachbarn des aktuellen Endes des Pfads, der den größten Teilgraphen in G 'überspannt, wobei G' der ursprüngliche Graph ist, bei dem die Eckpunkte im aktuellen Pfad gelöscht sind. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es sich bei einem Graphen um einen Expander-Graphen handelt, aber wir haben es sicherlich mit einem spärlichen Graphen zu tun, und da sein Kern etwa 20000 Scheitelpunkte hat und er nur einen Durchmesser von 15 hat, muss er gut sein Expansionseigenschaften. Also nehme ich diese gierige Heuristik an.
Anhand eines Graphen G(V, E)
können wir herausfinden, wie viele Eckpunkte von jedem Eckpunkt aus mit Floyd-Warshall in der Theta(V^3)
Zeit oder mit Johnsons Algorithmus in der Theta(V^2 lg V + VE)
Zeit erreichbar sind. Ich weiß jedoch, dass es sich um einen Graphen handelt, der eine sehr große, stark verknüpfte Komponente (SCC) hat, daher gehe ich anders vor. Wenn wir SCCs mit Tarjans Algorithmus identifizieren, erhalten wir auch eine topologische Sortierung für den komprimierten Graphen G_c(V_c, E_c)
, der mit der Zeit viel kleiner sein wird O(E)
. Da G_c
ein DAG ist, können wir die Erreichbarkeit in berechnen G_c
in der O(V_c^2 + E_c)
Zeit. (Ich habe später festgestellt, dass dies in Übung 26-2.8 der CLR angedeutet ist ).
Da der dominierende Faktor in der Laufzeit ist E
, optimiere ich ihn, indem ich Dummy-Knoten für die Präfixe / Suffixe einfüge. Anstatt also 151 * 64 = 9664 Ränder von Worten endet -res auf Wörter res- Ich habe 151 Kanten von Worten endet -res bis # res # und 64 Kanten aus # res # auf Wörter res- .
Und da jede Suche auf meinem alten PC ungefähr 4 Minuten dauert, versuche ich, die Ergebnisse mit früheren langen Pfaden zu kombinieren. Das geht viel schneller und ist meine derzeit beste Lösung.
package org.cheddarmonk.math.graph;
import java.util.Set;
public interface Graph<V> {
public Set<V> getAdjacent(V node);
public double getWeight(V from, V to);
package org.cheddarmonk.math.graph;
import java.util.*;
public class MutableGraph<V> implements Graph<V> {
private Map<V, Map<V, Double>> edgesBySource = new HashMap<V, Map<V, Double>>();
public void addEdge(V from, V to, double weight) {
if (!edgesBySource.containsKey(to)) edgesBySource.put(to, new HashMap<V, Double>());
Map<V, Double> e = edgesBySource.get(from);
if (e == null) edgesBySource.put(from, e = new HashMap<V, Double>());
if (e.containsKey(to)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is already an edge between the vertices");
e.put(to, weight);
public Set<V> getAdjacent(V node) {
Map<V, Double> e = edgesBySource.get(node);
if (e == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("node doesn't appear to be in the graph");
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(e.keySet());
public double getWeight(V from, V to) {
Map<V, Double> e = edgesBySource.get(from);
if (e == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("from doesn't appear to be in the graph");
if (!edgesBySource.containsKey(to)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("to doesn't appear to be in the graph");
Double c = e.get(to);
return c == null ? 0 : c.doubleValue();
package org.cheddarmonk.math.graph;
import java.util.*;
* A helper class for finding the strongly connected components of a graph using Tarjan's algorithm.
public class StronglyConnectedComponents<V> {
private final Graph<V> g;
private List<Set<V>> topologicallySortedSccs = new ArrayList<Set<V>>();
private final LinkedList<V> S = new LinkedList<V>();
private final Set<V> S2 = new HashSet<V>();
private final Map<V, Integer> index = new HashMap<V, Integer>();
private final Map<V, Integer> lowlink = new HashMap<V, Integer>();
private StronglyConnectedComponents(Graph<V> g) {
this.g = g;
private void strongConnect(V v) {
int idx = index.size();
index.put(v, idx);
lowlink.put(v, idx);
for (V w : g.getAdjacent(v)) {
if (!index.containsKey(w)) {
if (lowlink.get(w) < lowlink.get(v)) {
lowlink.put(v, lowlink.get(w));
else if (S2.contains(w)) {
if (index.get(w) < lowlink.get(v)) {
lowlink.put(v, index.get(w));
if (lowlink.get(v).equals(index.get(v))) {
Set<V> scc = new HashSet<V>();
V w;
do {
w = S.pop();
} while (!w.equals(v));
public static <V> List<Set<V>> analyse(Graph<V> g, Set<V> sources) {
if (g == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("g");
StronglyConnectedComponents<V> scc = new StronglyConnectedComponents<V>(g);
for (V v : sources) {
if (!scc.index.containsKey(v)) {
return scc.topologicallySortedSccs;
package org.cheddarmonk.ppcg;
import java.util.*;
import org.cheddarmonk.math.graph.*;
public class PPCG44922 {
private static final String path = "/usr/share/dict/words";
private static Set<String> allWords;
private static Graph<String> fullGraph;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rnd = new Random();
List<String> a = search(rnd);
List<String> b = search(rnd);
List<String> chain = spliceChains(a, b);
private static List<String> search(Random rnd) {
List<String> chain = new ArrayList<String>();
chain.add(selectOptimalReachabilityCount(fullGraph, allWords, rnd));
while (true) {
String tail = chain.get(chain.size() - 1);
FilteredGraph g = new FilteredGraph(chain);
// We know that tail only has one successor, so skip ahead.
Set<String> candidates = new HashSet<String>(fullGraph.getAdjacent(suffix(tail)));
if (candidates.isEmpty()) break;
chain.add(selectOptimalReachabilityCount(g, candidates, rnd));
Iterator<String> it = chain.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
if ( == '#') it.remove();
return chain;
private static List<String> spliceChains(List<String> a, List<String> b) {
Set<String> intersect = new HashSet<String>(b);
if (intersect.isEmpty()) return null;
// Splice the longest bits. To avoid cycles, we look for intersection points which have the same set of reached intersection points.
// Thus to get from one to the next we can take either route without violating the unique occurrence of each element in the spliced chain.
Set<String> left = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> right = new HashSet<String>();
List<String> newChain = new ArrayList<String>();
// NB We assume that either a(0) and b(0) are the same or neither is in intersect.
// This is a safe assumption in practice because they're both "wad".
int idxA = 0, idxB = 0, nextA = 0, nextB = 0;
while (idxA < a.size()) {
while (nextA < a.size() && !intersect.contains(a.get(nextA))) nextA++;
String tailA = nextA < a.size() ? a.get(nextA) : "";
while (nextB < b.size() && !intersect.contains(b.get(nextB))) nextB++;
String tailB = nextB < b.size() ? b.get(nextB) : "";
if (left.equals(right) && tailA.equals(tailB)) {
// We take the longer of idxA to nextA-1 or idxB to nextB - 1.
if (nextA - idxA > nextB - idxB) newChain.addAll(a.subList(idxA, nextA));
else newChain.addAll(b.subList(idxB, nextB));
idxA = nextA;
idxB = nextB;
if (new HashSet<String>(newChain).size() == newChain.size()) return newChain;
throw new IllegalStateException();
private static void loadGraph() {
Set<String> words = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> prefixes = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> suffixes = new HashSet<String>();
try {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(path), "UTF-8"));
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.length() >= 3) {
catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
// Filter down to a core with decent reachability.
MutableGraph<String> g = new MutableGraph<String>();
Iterator<String> it = words.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String line =;
if (prefixes.contains(prefix(line)) && prefixes.contains(suffix(line))) {
// In the interests of keeping the number of edges down, I insert fake vertices.
g.addEdge(prefix(line), line, 1);
g.addEdge(line, suffix(line), 1);
else it.remove();
fullGraph = g;
allWords = Collections.unmodifiableSet(words);
private static String prefix(String word) {
return "#" + word.substring(0, 3) + "#";
private static String suffix(String word) {
return "#" + word.substring(word.length() - 3, word.length()) + "#";
private static <V> Map<V, Integer> reachabilityCount(Graph<V> g, Set<V> sources) {
List<Set<V>> sccs = StronglyConnectedComponents.analyse(g, sources);
int n = sccs.size();
// Within a strongly connected component, each vertex can reach each other vertex.
// Then we need to also take into account the other SCCs which they can reach.
// We can exploit the fact that we already have a topological sort of the DAG of SCCs to do this efficiently.
Map<V, Integer> index = new HashMap<V, Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (V v : sccs.get(i)) index.put(v, i);
BitSet[] reachableSccs = new BitSet[n];
Map<V, Integer> reachabilityCounts = new HashMap<V, Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Set<V> scc = sccs.get(i);
reachableSccs[i] = new BitSet(n);
for (V v : scc) {
for (V w : g.getAdjacent(v)) {
int j = index.get(w);
if (j < i) reachableSccs[i].or(reachableSccs[j]);
int count = 0;
for (int j = reachableSccs[i].nextSetBit(0); j >= 0; j = reachableSccs[i].nextSetBit(j+1)) {
count += sccs.get(j).size();
for (V v : scc) {
reachabilityCounts.put(v, count);
return reachabilityCounts;
private static <V extends Comparable<? super V>> V selectOptimalReachabilityCount(Graph<V> g, Set<V> candidates, Random rnd) {
Map<V, Integer> r = reachabilityCount(g, candidates);
int max = 0;
List<V> attaining = new ArrayList<V>();
for (V candidate : candidates) {
int score = r.get(candidate);
if (score > max) {
max = score;
if (score == max) attaining.add(candidate);
return selectRandom(attaining, rnd);
private static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> T selectRandom(Collection<T> elts, Random rnd) {
List<T> deterministic = new ArrayList<T>(elts);
Collections.shuffle(deterministic, rnd);
return deterministic.get(0);
private static class FilteredGraph implements Graph<String> {
private final Set<String> filteredVertices;
public FilteredGraph(Collection<String> filteredVertices) {
this.filteredVertices = new HashSet<String>(filteredVertices);
public Set<String> getAdjacent(String node) {
if (filteredVertices.contains(node)) return Collections.emptySet();
Set<String> adj = new HashSet<String>(fullGraph.getAdjacent(node));
return adj;
public double getWeight(String from, String to) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not used");