JavaScript - 673 707 730 751
e=[],g=[],h=[],m=[],q=[];function r(){a=s,b=t;function d(d,A){n=a+d,p=b+A;c>e[n][p]&&(u=!1,v>e[n][p]&&(v=e[n][p],w=n,k=p))}c=e[a][b],u=!0,v=c,w=a,k=b;0!=a&&d(-1,0);a!=l&&d(1,0);0!=b&&d(0,-1);b!=l&&d(0,1);g[a][b]=w;h[a][b]=k;return u}function x(a,b,d){function c(a,b,c,k){g[a+b][c+k]==a&&h[a+b][c+k]==c&&(d=x(a+b,c+k,d))}d++;0!=a&&c(a,-1,b,0);a!=l&&c(a,1,b,0);0!=b&&c(a,0,b,-1);b!=l&&c(a,0,b,1);return d}y=$EXEC('cat "'+$ARG[0]+'"').split("\n");l=y[0]-1;for(z=-1;z++<l;)e[z]=y[z+1].split(" "),g[z]=[],h[z]=[];for(s=-1;s++<l;)for(t=-1;t++<l;)r()&&m.push([s,t]);for(z=m.length-1;0<=z;--z)s=m[z][0],t=m[z][1],q.push(x(s,t,0));print(q.sort(function(a,b){return b-a}).join(" "));
Testergebnisse (mit Nashorn):
$ for i in A B C D; do jjs -scripting minlm.js -- "test$i"; done
7 2
11 7 7
7 5 4
Es würde wahrscheinlich Stapelprobleme für Karten der Größe 5000 geben (aber das ist ein Implementierungsdetail :).
Die ungeklärte Quelle in ihrer ganzen Flüchtigkeit:
// lm.js - find the local minima
// Globalization of variables.
The map is a 2 dimensional array. Indices for the elements map as:
[0,0] ... [0,n]
[n,0] ... [n,n]
Each element of the array is a structure. The structure for each element is:
Item Purpose Range Comment
---- ------- ----- -------
h Height of cell integers
s Is it a sink? boolean
x X of downhill cell (0..maxIndex) if s is true, x&y point to self
y Y of downhill cell (0..maxIndex)
Debugging only:
b Basin name ('A'..'A'+# of basins)
Use a separate array-of-arrays for each structure item. The index range is
var height = [];
var sink = [];
var downhillX = [];
var downhillY = [];
//var basin = [];
var maxIndex;
// A list of sinks in the map. Each element is an array of [ x, y ], where
// both x & y are in the range 0..maxIndex.
var basinList = [];
// An unordered list of basin sizes.
var basinSize = [];
// Functions.
function isSink(x,y) {
var myHeight = height[x][y];
var imaSink = true;
var bestDownhillHeight = myHeight;
var bestDownhillX = x;
var bestDownhillY = y;
Visit the neighbors. If this cell is the lowest, then it's the
sink. If not, find the steepest downhill direction.
This would be the place to test the assumption that "If a cell
is not a sink, you may assume it has a unique lowest neighbor and
that this neighbor will be lower than the cell." But right now, we'll
take that on faith.
function visit(deltaX,deltaY) {
var neighborX = x+deltaX;
var neighborY = y+deltaY;
if (myHeight > height[neighborX][neighborY]) {
imaSink = false;
if (bestDownhillHeight > height[neighborX][neighborY]) {
bestDownhillHeight = height[neighborX][neighborY];
bestDownhillX = neighborX;
bestDownhillY = neighborY;
if (x !== 0) {
// upwards neighbor exists
if (x !== maxIndex) {
// downwards neighbor exists
if (y !== 0) {
// left-hand neighbor exists
if (y !== maxIndex) {
// right-hand neighbor exists
downhillX[x][y] = bestDownhillX;
downhillY[x][y] = bestDownhillY;
return imaSink;
function exploreBasin(x,y,currentSize) {//,basinName) {
// This cell is in the basin.
//basin[x][y] = basinName;
Visit all neighbors that have this cell as the best downhill
path and add them to the basin.
function visit(x,deltaX,y,deltaY) {
if ((downhillX[x+deltaX][y+deltaY] === x) && (downhillY[x+deltaX][y+deltaY] === y)) {
currentSize = exploreBasin(x+deltaX,y+deltaY,currentSize); //,basinName);
return 0;
if (x !== 0) {
// upwards neighbor exists
if (x !== maxIndex) {
// downwards neighbor exists
if (y !== 0) {
// left-hand neighbor exists
if (y !== maxIndex) {
// right-hand neighbor exists
return currentSize;
// Read map from file (1st argument).
var lines = $EXEC('cat "' + $ARG[0] + '"').split('\n');
maxIndex = lines.shift() - 1;
for (var i = 0; i<=maxIndex; i++) {
height[i] = lines.shift().split(' ');
// Create all other 2D arrays.
sink[i] = [];
downhillX[i] = [];
downhillY[i] = [];
//basin[i] = [];
// Everyone decides if they are a sink. Create list of sinks (i.e. roots).
for (var x=0; x<=maxIndex; x++) {
for (var y=0; y<=maxIndex; y++) {
if (sink[x][y] = isSink(x,y)) {
// This node is a root (AKA sink).
//for (var i = 0; i<=maxIndex; i++) { print(sink[i]); }
// Each root explores it's basin.
//var basinName = 'A';
for (var i=basinList.length-1; i>=0; --i) { // i-- makes Closure Compiler sad
var x = basinList[i][0];
var y = basinList[i][1];
basinSize.push(exploreBasin(x,y,0)); //,basinName));
//basinName = String.fromCharCode(basinName.charCodeAt() + 1);
//for (var i = 0; i<=maxIndex; i++) { print(basin[i]); }
// Done.
print(basinSize.sort(function(a, b){return b-a}).join(' '));
Ich habe bessere Ergebnisse bei der Minimierung erzielt, indem ich die Elementobjekte in separate Arrays aufgeteilt, überall globalisiert und Nebenwirkungen berücksichtigt habe. NSFW.
Die Auswirkungen der Code-Minimierung:
- 4537 Bytes, ungekürzt
- 1180 Bytes, Packer
- 855 Bytes, Packer + Hand Optimierungen (1 Zeichen globale Namen)
- 751 bytes, Google Closure Compiler mit ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS
- 730 Bytes, rücksichtslose Handoptimierung (Ich ändere nicht die nicht minimierte Quelle, also NSFW)
- 707 Bytes, mehr rücksichtslose Handoptimierung (alle Verweise auf sink [] entfernen);
- 673 Bytes, entferne alle "var" s und lasse das Nashorn-strikte Flag fallen
Ich hätte fast 700 Bytes erreichen können, ohne den minimierten Code zu bearbeiten, wenn ich gewillt gewesen wäre, die ursprüngliche Quelle zu ändern. Aber ich habe es nicht getan, weil ich denke, es so zu belassen, wie es ist, gibt einen interessanten Blick vom Ausgangspunkt.