Jailbreak- und iOS-Hardware-verschlüsselte Daten



There are two partitions on all iOS devices. One is for the system, other is for the data. Jailbreaking only affects the System partition. So jailbreaking doesn’t affect your data.

is data on 'data partition' encrypted and cannot be accessed by the jailbroken system ?
Don Ch

If the jailbroken system asks for your passcode while unlocking, then you can access your data. By the way, can you give a little context on the problem? I can’t see how you could’ve arrived in a situation like this.

i'm just wondering whether jailbreaking (without supplying passcode while jailbreaking) can bypass ipad3/iphone4s passcode-locked system and access all data (which is supposedly encrypted by the passcode). can it?
Don Ch

Nope. As I said, it doesn’t modify the data partition, which is encrypted.
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